Auction Diana the Snooty Deer! ENDED!

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Dianaaaa -drools- wish I was super rich! Good luck guys!
Aha xD I'd never sell her though xD

Umeko, if I had known you wanted Bam before I reset I'd have given him to you for free ;o;
How lon ago was it? And I've seen a few Bams around but I've always had full or people took him before.

- - - Post Merge - - -

thanks everyone for your support it means a lot. <3 I'll keep hunting and try to get either one :3
Wow, the bid got high! Thank you everybody! I just woke up but I still need rest.. I'll see the winner in 3 hours! Good luck!
This was about 2 weeks ago xD
I can't believe I've achieved pretty much all my dreamies in 1 and a half weeks O.O'

Bam got voided on one thread O:
ahh do you mean hazumi's? yea i saw he was on voided. darn
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Lol, Shari's a cutie, but I'm thinking of letting her go :/
If any of your dreamies show up in my camp I'll take them in for you :3
I was hunting for deer for my old town, and I was like 'Just need Bam.. just need Bam...'
Then he had a house plot in my town o_O'
Same with Shari O:
Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam. Do want back. I love how I have those three I didn't have on my old save(Fauna, Fuchsia and Beau) and needs the old ones I had(Bam, Bruce, Diana)
I may be slightly obsessed with Fauna.
I just love her.
A lot.
I want a Fauna plushie for christmas xD
I love Lolly too <3
Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam. Do want back. I love how I have those three I didn't have on my old save(Fauna, Fuchsia and Beau) and needs the old ones I had(Bam, Bruce, Diana)

If you can come over to my town right now I will give you some m's to add to your bid. :)
But I don't have long.
I added you, and you still had me on your fc from a trade before.
My gate is open, my town is Seabrook. :)
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