Auction Diana the Snooty Deer! ENDED!

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I have 67million from selling turnips. If I wanted to, I would spend it all on a villager in a second. It's fake money, and I can make it back in no time. Just because someone just joined THIS FORUM doesn't mean they just started playing the game.

It is entirely the owner of the thread's discretion as to who gets what villager. If you're losing an auction, lose it with some dignity. Heck, even PM OP that they should be leery if you are suspicious, but don't act like a sore loser. IJS.

::drops mic::

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I know right
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Well they could have acted cooler about it. And not our fault if they blow it up. If you want to misread/understand go ahead. And if we was vicious sure, but it was more a cautious act of suspicion rather than harassment or whatever.

Also people changing sides after someone else post the heroic savior post isn't exactly better. I am glad OP came out in public. And for apologies, sure but seriously don't act and hide like that. Been seen and experienced way too much scamming and hiders in the past to be mistrusting people.
I didn't have a side. I don't pick sides. After a while, I had picked a side.
Seeing that behavior made me switch completely. Sorry if you thought I was on your side in the beginning, but I wasn't. I was only here to *briefly* talk about Hippeux and wish everyone luck in the auction.
I didn't think that anyone was on my "side" in the argue, the only ones for that matter were people helping me bid and if they had withdrawn, well they had. I just had one point and whatever that was I don't deny.

Also someone close this crap. Sure apologies, but seriously don't hide on bidding like that when it's large sum. Sooner or later someone is gonna suspect you. That's with all things.
I didn't think that anyone was on my "side" in the argue, the only ones for that matter were people helping me bid and if they had withdrawn, well they had. I just had one point and whatever that was I don't deny.

Also someone close this crap. Sure apologies, but seriously don't hide on bidding like that when it's large sum. Sooner or later someone is gonna suspect you. That's with all things.

Meh. One could just as easily suggest for you to stop being so suspicious. It won't be you getting scammed out of money. I sincerely hope that the bidder isn't turned off completely by this forum because of this transaction. I certainly would be. :T

Congrats to OP on selling your villager. I hope your transaction goes smoothly.
D: I think everyone is very heated about this ;A;/ I think it would be best to leave the thread, have some coffee, talk to your villagers or take a nice warm bath. These things can get stressful but I hope no one is mad at each other ;n;~
Hi, I just want to thank John for having faith in me although I am a new member to this belltreeforum site. I also just want to mention that yes it may be suspicious, but I don't mind paying so much for a villager, since it is just digital money and not actual cash. I didn't feel the need to explain my bids to anyone, as it was up to the person actually giving Diana to ask me about any suspicions.
As for coming back to the the forum, I'm not completely sure, it's made me quite nervous so I'll have to think about that..
I really do hope you get Diana and your other dream villagers some day, although you've made me feel a little scared of this place now, feel free to PM me if you need anything, I still wouldn't mind helping you out if you want.
Anyways, here's a picture of Diana ^_^
Hi, I just want to thank John for having faith in me although I am a new member to this belltreeforum site. I also just want to mention that yes it may be suspicious, but I don't mind paying so much for a villager, since it is just digital money and not actual cash. I didn't feel the need to explain my bids to anyone, as it was up to the person actually giving Diana to ask me about any suspicions.
As for coming back to the the forum, I'm not completely sure, it's made me quite nervous so I'll have to think about that..
I really do hope you get Diana and your other dream villagers some day, although you've made me feel a little scared of this place now, feel free to PM me if you need anything, I still wouldn't mind helping you out if you want.
View attachment 17686
Anyways, here's a picture of Diana ^_^

Congrats! :D
This forum isn't usually like this. It's actually one of the best out there. Your chances of getting scammed here are lower thanks to the wifi-rating.
Don't worry about it happening again. If it does, just prove them wrong. :D
She's a cutie ;u; Things get bad every once in awhile but this forum is really amazing ;u;/ I hope you choose to stay. Have fun with Diana ;u;/
Hi, I just want to thank John for having faith in me although I am a new member to this belltreeforum site. I also just want to mention that yes it may be suspicious, but I don't mind paying so much for a villager, since it is just digital money and not actual cash. I didn't feel the need to explain my bids to anyone, as it was up to the person actually giving Diana to ask me about any suspicions.
As for coming back to the the forum, I'm not completely sure, it's made me quite nervous so I'll have to think about that..
I really do hope you get Diana and your other dream villagers some day, although you've made me feel a little scared of this place now, feel free to PM me if you need anything, I still wouldn't mind helping you out if you want.
View attachment 17686
Anyways, here's a picture of Diana ^_^

I am truly sorry if what happened today detered you from coming back to this site. This is my sincerest apologies. I can understand if you are hesitant to come back. I would be too. I am glad that you got Diana and I hope that if you ever do continue to stay on TBT, that your time here is pleasant. I'm sorry again for what has happened today.
Hi, I just want to thank John for having faith in me although I am a new member to this belltreeforum site. I also just want to mention that yes it may be suspicious, but I don't mind paying so much for a villager, since it is just digital money and not actual cash. I didn't feel the need to explain my bids to anyone, as it was up to the person actually giving Diana to ask me about any suspicions.
As for coming back to the the forum, I'm not completely sure, it's made me quite nervous so I'll have to think about that..
I really do hope you get Diana and your other dream villagers some day, although you've made me feel a little scared of this place now, feel free to PM me if you need anything, I still wouldn't mind helping you out if you want.
View attachment 17686
Anyways, here's a picture of Diana ^_^

Yay!! Congratulations!! I promise this forum is normally really fabulous with some great people. I just joined not too long ago myself. :)
Hi, I just want to thank John for having faith in me although I am a new member to this belltreeforum site. I also just want to mention that yes it may be suspicious, but I don't mind paying so much for a villager, since it is just digital money and not actual cash. I didn't feel the need to explain my bids to anyone, as it was up to the person actually giving Diana to ask me about any suspicions.
As for coming back to the the forum, I'm not completely sure, it's made me quite nervous so I'll have to think about that..
I really do hope you get Diana and your other dream villagers some day, although you've made me feel a little scared of this place now, feel free to PM me if you need anything, I still wouldn't mind helping you out if you want.
View attachment 17686
Anyways, here's a picture of Diana ^_^

I hope you do consider hanging out around the forum a little longer, however I think everyone would understand completely if you chose not to. :)

Also, the way you handled this whole situation deserves an award. :blush: :p
I've lurked this whole thread, and, well, it definitely went somewhat overboard D:
I understand how someone could get suspicious, especially since someone stopped posting right after someone suggested that it was suspicious. However, I don't think suspicions needed to go on for pages after pages. I mean, yeah, I'd be suspicious myself but i would also realize that there's a chance that, maybe the person isn't a scammer; even though some things seemed to point to it, maybe the person was offended and decided to not respond.

Maybe they had to step away from the computer and didn't have a chance to stick up for themselves. Maybe they were busy doing the trade, and of course that'd take a while - it's over 40 million that has to be dropped.

So, before we could really assume what might be happening, we have to really consider all the aspects of the situation. It's okay to be suspicious, but I kind of felt that it was unnecessary to keep restating suspicions. :c however, you are entitled to your opinion of course, so I'm just stating my own.

( And of course, if they were doing the trade whilst all this was happening, no one would have time to confirm anything; they have to finish the trade and then they could be able to post. )

Not to offend anyone or point fingers, this is just my thought on the matter.
Goodness gracious. Why are all of you hounding Jess-crossing? What makes it so hard to believe they have 44 million? I've had more than that at one time.

And I'll ask all of you ; How would you feel if you met this criticism of a website you just joined? I mean, just because they joined the bell tree doesn't mean they haven't played AC:NL long enough to have that much money. To me, it looks like some of you are butthurt that you didn't win the auction.

But maybe I'm an idiot Idk

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Congrats to the winner as well^ what an interesting read lol
what the heck are u guys doing dont cry bc u didnt win a fricking auction and suddenly try to say theyre a thief jfc i cant believe people yes its possible to outbid someone whos getting backed up by like 373737373 people. stop crying. its animal crossing. a game about furries. you can get another diana. dont bully someone because theyre richer than you and you cant believe it.

you guys are so rude get off your high horses seriously you're trying to explain why its okay to be rude af to a new member because theyre richer than you. you didnt even say sorry lmao get out of here. (you havent even been here that long yourself..and you dont even have that many ratings. what are you talking about)

also dont be scared of belltree. some people get jealous way too easily, thats all. you did nothing wrong. sorry you had to deal with this, people usually dont do this crap. im sorry if you think this place is too scary because of jerks
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