Talking to my villagers today I noticed the following:
Conversation 1: greeting
Conversation 2: comment on my outfit
Conversation 3: new line
Conversation 1: new line
Conversation 2: comment on new years
Conversation 3: request
Conversation 1: comment on new years
Conversation 2: request
Conversation 3: new line
If I remember correctly conversations used to be alwayssss greetings and lines on what you did yesterday before new stuff and requests were rare but... I’m playing alongside wild world and since the christmas event I’ve been having equal amounts of fun with new horizons’ dialogue? Was it fixed???
That'd sure be nice. I don't have enough leisure time anymore to really test that out but one of the things that particularly disappointed me was how repetitive some of the dialogue could get in New Horizons. Like, just how many times the Jock villager tells me about his HHA evaluation and the fact they didn't ask how many crunches he can do or whatever. Like, yeah, I get it, very quirky, but HHA means nothing at this point, I'd rather the villagers just didn't even mention it and instead talked about... absolutely anything else.
I don’t think HHA mentions will go away, they’ve been in every single game xD, even Gamecube and Wild World have repetitive HRA dialogue and some other repetitive event lines, but as long as you can get a new line or a request without talking to them 5 times, which seems to be the case now, I’m happy
I haven’t noticed this, but I certainly hope so! The dialogue in this game is probably my least favorite feature. For me, AC has always been about the villagers, so making them static clones is quite a blow. I’ve known for a long time that real dialogue was buried under the first 3-5 tedious interactions of the day, but it really breaks my immersion to have to button mash through 60 seconds of repetitive dialogue to try to “force” a conversation.
I feel like it's been better, too, but still somewhat repetitive. It'd also be great if they could prioritize requests, at least IMO - I liked the way the villagers asked you to do their requests the first time you talked to them that day in NL, and I think NH's limit of about three requests per hour would make that feel less tedious.
I think the dialogue has been improved, since I have 4 lazies and they've all said something different. They comment on events, outfits and even personality traits. (Plus they also mention objects on the ground, which they had before).
I don't think its 'Fixed', I think there's still some things to tweak in regards. But its an improvement then before.
Now that you mention it, the dialog does seem much less repetitive! I used to always only get gossip about my 2nd character and what they had been doing the other day, which was super annoying after a while. But lately they have been much more interesting to talk to. I think you are right and I have to say that is great news.
They changed some of the diagloue for New Years but even so I still was able to talk to Clay (lazy) and then talk to Tucker (also lazy) and caught them saying the same thing one after the other so yeah... hit and miss still.
The dialogue definitely seems to have been somewhat improved! My villagers have all been making various comments, none of which have been repetitive repeated blabbering, which is quite nice! I'm sure there's still a lot of repeated dialogue, but hopefully they'll make more adjustments and prioritize it more.
I guess my five player characters will forever lock me out of any meaningful dialogue. I tried talking to all of my highest friendship villagers several times a day until they told me to leave, for a week straight, and it's still all activities and comments on stuff next to them.
I noticed a change but it was a while ago. Maybe after the Summer Wave 2 update? But yeah my villagers used to always say the same exact thing (in different ways based on their personality). Then towards the end of the summer I noticed they started talking about new things on the first convo and sometimes I’d even get requests. This could all be a coincidence and they in fact haven’t done anything though.
I've been awful at talking to my villagers recently, but it'd be nice if this was the case! maybe tomorrow I'll have a proper look into it (since right now they're all sat around KK). I'd love to do some more requests for them since I feel like I haven't done one in forever