Did you ever write any stories as a kid?


Most Likely to Die First in a Horror Movie
Sep 15, 2024
Carnival Coins
Chronos314_XD's Creature:
I used to make a lot of comics when I was in elementary school. I think I threw away most of them though out of embarrassment or something cause I can't find any of them, but I remember I had a couple of series I would make; one of those series was basically just bootleg Dog Man but instead of it being a dog as a police officer it was a cat as a superhero or something lol. I was not the most creative child. XD
Oh yeah I used to make those kinds of comics! Pilkey inspired me. Good times!

Most of them starred this character named "Super J", which is basically me as a superhero. Some of her stories were original, but others I ripped off from my brother's Captain Underpants books. XD I don't have them anymore though. I didn't toss them out on purpose...they simply just disappeared.
Oh yeah I used to make those kinds of comics! Pilkey inspired me. Good times!

Most of them starred this character named "Super J", which is basically me as a superhero. Some of her stories were original, but others I ripped off from my brother's Captain Underpants books. XD I don't have them anymore though. I didn't toss them out on purpose...they simply just disappeared.
Captian Underpants is actually the reason why I started being interested in drawing and storytelling, my favorite parts of those books was always when you got to read the comics written by the main characters.
as someone who's going through their high school years in the era of fanfiction, yes. yes I have. I've written a cringe group chat story, a Sonic the Hedgehog story, a fantasy story, a Pretty Cure story (complete with my own team of villains that I wish got a second chance in canon), and a Pokemon one. Having an overactive imagination sucks sometimes.
as someone who's going through their high school years in the era of fanfiction, yes. yes I have. I've written a cringe group chat story, a Sonic the Hedgehog story, a fantasy story, a Pretty Cure story (complete with my own team of villains that I wish got a second chance in canon), and a Pokemon one. Having an overactive imagination sucks sometimes.
Don't be embarrassed, we all write dumb things when we're young. Instead of cringing at your past work and resenting it use it as a way to know how you can do better the next time!
As a current writer, I started writing stories relatively young. Before I wrote anything down, I would walk around in circles and loudly tell stories about me, Ash, and Pikachu going on adventures. (I still remember saying “AND THEN” before very sentence lol.)

I didn’t really start writing until I was eight. Around that age, I wrote a story called “The Magic Shoes” and wanted to send it to an American Girl magazine story contest, but I chickened out. The story is cheesy, but good for a kid my age. It was about a nervous girl who takes dance lessons, but when her teacher gives her magical shoes, all her stage fright goes away. Eventually, she learns to face her fears without the shoes.

Like most teens, I’ve written fanfiction. (Ranma 1/2, Castlevania, Liberty’s Kids, InuYasha, House of the Dead, etc.) I still have some of them, but most are lost. I also vaguely recall doing Simpsons fanfiction at one point…which is tough because the show is so long-running, what stories haven’t they done? 😂

I have written novels and short stories. I began submitting them in my teens, and still do. I have been rejected countless times, but it doesn’t surprise me.

I also blog, have a writing Twitter account, and some of my poetry has recently been published in small journals. I also recently submitted a story to a contest. I still write stories and novels (though the second one, not as often) They’re revamped versions of my earlier OCs, as I used to worry I had to create new ones from scratch…but not really lol. I mostly do fantasy and historical fiction— maybe a little of both.

I am always constantly working on a new story…as tough as that can be.
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I did but it was all on paper. I remember making my own version of Pokemon which was based on what I had seen of the anime and it had pictures with very few words. It wasn't exactly formatted like a comic but that seems to be the closest thing to what it was. Younger me imagined it being a TV show but it really wasn't because it was on paper.
I did but it was all on paper. I remember making my own version of Pokemon which was based on what I had seen of the anime and it had pictures with very few words. It wasn't exactly formatted like a comic but that seems to be the closest thing to what it was. Younger me imagined it being a TV show but it really wasn't because it was on paper.
Do you mean a picture book?
I wrote some mini stories here and there but my longest ones were "Ashley's Adventure" (about a girl who randomly runs away to the South Pole because she was bored. That was like a long picture book with chapters, around 2nd grade) and "The Spots Friends" (about a group of animals (a hamster, cat, dog, and horse) who lived in Alaska iirc and met each other on a journey, while the hamster was grieving his polar bear friend who turned out not to be dead in the end, he was just on a really long hunt and conveniently brought enough gifts for everyone. That was in 3rd grade and was more like a chapter book with pictures that I wrote all in one of my 3rd grade journals).

In terms of comics, I really wanted to be a newspaper cartoonist for a while around 5th grade. I wrote a comic called Fang about an anthropomorphic wolf who looked like this...

Screenshot 2024-10-22 at 5.47.27 PM.png

...and his cousin Aurora and his friends Julie the Puli, Curly the made-up dog breed, some bear whose name I forgot, and more!
I wrote three stories as a kid.

One was when I was in second grade, and my friend Kevin and I co-wrote a brief Pokemon rivalry story. It was set in Hoenn, but we didn't remember the name of the region (we made the story in school) and mistakenly called it the "Johto" region.

The second story was about a continuation of the world and story of The Bridge to Terabithia for my fifth grade class. I can't remember much about it aside from the fact I was really obsessed with Star Wars and Harry Potter, so I threw some of those elements into the story as well.

Also in fifth grade was a story that we had to write about the food's journey and travels through the digestion system. I did not do a good job with it, and even broke out laughing in the middle of my reading to the class.
Yes. And they were all really, really bad. Some of them were ones I made just for fun and some were because I had to do it for a school assignment, but they all sucked. It’s more like it’s bad in a funny way than genuinely bad, like how stupid the plots and resolutions are. Some of them did make me cringe a lot while reading through them, but it’s all understandable since most of these were written when I was in fourth or fifth grade. It was honestly kind of nostalgic to read them even though they’re trash lol. I’m just surprised how I didn’t have that many spelling errors and grammar issues and I knew a lot of words.

I would give examples, but I’m sure there’d be a lot I’m not remembering so I won’t. I know for sure that a lot of them were Mario related.
I wrote a few different stories when I was younger. One of my favorites is this random crossover of Blue’s Clues and Pokémon where Pikachu is out of its mind after being lost in the woods for several days with no food and starts eating all of the characters in the Blue’s Clues house. It was pretty clever and I gave Mr Salt the first name of Sodium and I threw some shade towards Steve when he asks the kids what they thought of a clue and one of them shouts, “Why are you asking us? You’re the genius!” And Steve just replies with “Oh.”
Yes. I wrote many when I was a kid. However, when I first started writing I had no clue what I was writing was fanfiction at first. I written fanfiction of my favorite shows, 101 Dalmatians (the cartoon that aired in the 90s) and..... South Park, which I first seen it at a young age.
I had so much fun doing it, until I gotten older I began writing my own stuff.

The type of stuff I written we're usually romantic in nature, or what I called it back then. I also written some other things that are like kind of dark (like someone dying for example) and to this day I have no clue what made me want to write that stuff. Today I usually try to stay in the romance department with things, with a little hint of drama in it.

For my FanFiction, I posted one online back in the late 2000s to my dead fanfiction.net account. It's not my best work, but I'm still kind of proud of it.
And there's like one more fanfiction that I have posted, but this was during the early to mid 2000s on a website that no longer exists; making it lost to time. 😢
Oh, absolutely. I wrote all kinds of things as a kid. My dad is a writer, so I grew up with words and stories as a pivotal part of my childhood. I was writing stories and telling stories from pretty much my earliest memory. I didn't post them online, though--that wasn't really something I was aware of 20+ years ago. I didn't even know fanfiction existed. I wrote a lot of poetry as well, because I loved the poems in the fantasy stories I read and I had a strong ear for rhythm. Not that the poems were GOOD, of course (I wrote a poem about young Boba Fett one time . . .) but they at least had consistent meter and stressed/unstressed syllables in the right places!

I was obsessed with Lord of the Rings and Star Wars for a good while, and at one point I wrote a dramatic story (which would have been crossover fanfiction, but as previously mentioned I did not know this concept had a name and believed I had brilliantly invented it) about a young Jedi in training who wakes up in a tent in Gondor and has to undergo training to become a soldier in Middle-Earth while concealing his force powers and secret lightsaber. Whole thing was handwritten on notebook paper. I think I still have it somewhere? Some of the lines were pure gold.
I wrote two short stories when I was in the fifth grade. I wanted to make a third one, but I was out of story ideas. I was really proud of them at the time and both my parents and teacher liked them, but I avoid going back to them now because I think I'd be embarrassed by them. They had really poorly done illustrations that I made for them and the characters were pretty one note. Getting told by my teacher that I had talent in writing and that I should become a writer when I grew up was really encouraging though.

Story ideas bounced around my head over the next ten years, but I didn't write any of them out since I didn't know how to flesh them out and I was worried I wouldn't like what I wrote. While I'm good at using grammar most of the time, I'm a very direct and concise writer and that doesn't translate well to long form mediums like novels. A coming of age novella was in the back of my mind for several years and the concept went over several revisions until I finally started writing it a few months ago. I think it has considerably better dialogue than what I wrote as a kid and I'm mostly happy with what I've written. While I'm afraid of going back to those old stories I think they were good stepping stones to what I'm writing now. If I hadn't written them, I wouldn't know what I struggle with as a writer or how to avoid pitfalls in writing.