Did you have strict parents growing up?

Oh, yes... I was constantly verbally and emotionally abused by my dad, too, and spanked all the time by both parents as well. Both of my parents, but my father more so, had anger issues.
I did in some ways. I wasn’t allowed to leave our street alone, I didn’t have a cellphone until I was 14, and my parents immediately corrected my behavior whenever I was rude. Going to school was always jarring because I wasn’t used to seeing kids who could say whatever they wanted guilt-free.

At the same time, my parents trusted me enough to find age appropriate entertainment on my own. I always made sure to follow TV and ESRB ratings. In fact I only played one M-rated game before I was 16 (and that was at a friend’s house).
No, my parents weren't strict at all.. maybe to a fault. I never got grounded. Never made to do chores. Never really had an enforced bed time when I was 10+... maybe even younger! I'm especially thankful that my parents weren't super into going to church like my friends' parents were. Always felt bad for those who had strict parents, it felt kinda lonely in a way, like I was the one with the messed up family
The only thing my parents were strict on when I was growing up was my pocket money, they made sure I never got too much at a young age and that I learnt the value of money which I'm eternally grateful for now I'm an adult. I have two family friends who were (and still are) spoilt rotten and rely on the "bank of mum and dad" to help them out every now and then as well as having no concept that not everyone has the same spending habits as them.
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The only thing my parents were really strict about is swear words. They would get mad at me and my brother saying the most MILD swear words, even if we freaking masked it.

I remember I commented the "WTF" acronym on a video. My brother caught me, and he tattled on me, and I got in trouble. -_-

I can remember a couple of times where my mom would get paranoid my brother said a swear word when he was on his XBOX, so my mom would barge in saying "you BETTER have said what the heck" or "you BETTER have said dang it"

Yet my parents curse like sailors. :/
Mine were strict. But not in a way that was not healthy. They were strict because they wanted me to do well for myself and not learn things the hard way. There were some growing pains here and there but generally, their standards benefited me far more than they restricted me. I appreciate what they did and how they raised me a lot. I know some people don't have strict parents in the nicer sense -- but mine weren't neglectful or overly angry or anything. Mine just held me to standards and responsibilities and expected me to be kind to my peers and uphold some sense of morality and personal responsibility.
Of course at times this was rather frustrating for me, when I was younger and wanted to do stupid things without scrutiny. But I'm so thankful I didn't do those stupid things now. Now that I'm in my 20s, they aren't strict anymore, but moreso my friends and mentors. Of course sometimes I'll do something stupid or act impulsively and they'll tell me why that's probably not a good idea. But I have a great relationship with them now. So it's definitely possible, and it's great to have parents like mine were. I am very lucky in that regard and I'm very grateful for it too, especially knowing that many people do not have it so lucky.
Luckily I didn't have strict ones. Yes sure, they told me to be at home at x and x time and I had a sleeping schedule when there wasn't holidays, but I don't think that's strict. I actually think it's really good to teach the kid some rules! I'm glad they never went through any of my stuff, like I've read others doing here. That could've ended really awkward, lol. But no, they were mad and strict when there was a reason for it, but besides that they were really good! Even now that my parents are divorced, my Dad is always saying that my mother was really good in her roles as.. well, a mother. Which I find really impressive, considering on how she hurt him. He still gives credit to her where credit is due. :p
i suppose they were kinda strict? if i had to leave the house i'd need a detailed list of when, why, where, and with whom plus getting the phone number of the guardian of whoever was inviting me. i get that now but when i was a kid i felt lame for asking my friends so many questions before i could say i was allowed to go.

i also didn't have a phone until i was 11 i think? and i had k*mon for like,, 4(?) years in grade school and they were pretty scary when they were making sure i finished my worksheets. and if i wanted to buy a toy i'd need to either wait until it was my mom buying or justify why i'd need it (unless i was paying for it myself). and before high school my sibling and i were only allowed to spend 30 minutes each on the internet and we'd use it while my dad was also in the computer room.

but they also gave me free reign of my time after school so i could read or make jewelry and stuff at home as long as i had finished my homework already. they were pretty lax about my grades as long as i wasn't failing anything. plus they let me buy as many ya novels as i wanted whenever we'd go to the bookstore.

all in all i think they were pretty okay but i kind of wish they were stricter about school because i never really developed a good work ethic for my studies as a formerly "gifted" child and now i'm kind of having a hard time. also wish mom wouldn't enforce rules like telling me not to date until i finish uni but encouraging my brother to introduce her to his gf but eh. i still appreciate the effort they put in to make sure we grew up okay.
My parents taught me right from wrong at a young. I was swatted (very, very rarely) when I was being a punk, given chores, put to bed at a decent time, etc. They told me stories of the terrible decisions they made when they were young to back up their lessons.

Most of our house rules were either common sense based, or 'I'm telling you not to, but if you do, don't say I didn't warn you'. When I was a teenager, I was allowed to pick my own hair/clothes, watch movies I wanted to (though my dad and I often liked the same stuff anyway), and try new things. I drank/smoked with my mom from time to time, and she gave me the life-lowdown so I didn't make decisions I'd regret.

A lot of their parenting also came from the fact we're Christians, too. The world's a rough place. Bad things happen to good people. They didn't feel any need to shield me from the facts of life. I was extremely lucky.
sorta but more strict on me then my little brother they did not ground me or spank me they just put me in my room or on the stairs for like 10 minutes my little brother never got timeouts as a kid and blamed me but they were that strict so i would say no
EDIT they let me have sugary stuff like coco puffs and lucky charms but they had me go outside for 1 to 2 hours some parents are the opisite
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No, my parents weren't strict at all.. maybe to a fault. I never got grounded. Never made to do chores. Never really had an enforced bed time when I was 10+... maybe even younger! I'm especially thankful that my parents weren't super into going to church like my friends' parents were. Always felt bad for those who had strict parents, it felt kinda lonely in a way, like I was the one with the messed up family
yeah my parents are the same my grandma was always going to church ad my friends i just really got in trouble not grounded they should have been a little strict but they were good parents tho :D
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I mostly grew up with only my mom and yes, she was pretty strict. The best example I can think of is that she enforced a 10:00pm bedtime until I was 19 and would even physically take my phone away at that time. She would also get angry about very very small things, and any time I expressed an opinion she would say to stop because that was "arguing". I still live with her but fortunately, she's been more chill towards me since I graduated university and got a full time job.
I mostly grew up with only my mom and yes, she was pretty strict. The best example I can think of is that she enforced a 10:00pm bedtime until I was 19 and would even physically take my phone away at that time. She would also get angry about very very small things, and any time I expressed an opinion she would say to stop because that was "arguing". I still live with her but fortunately, she's been more chill towards me since I graduated university and got a full time job.
ok woah i get 10:pm bed time when your like 10 11 but till 19 :eek: 😹
Yep. My mom wanted me to get straight As or Bs. But she laxed over the years (I think) due to me developing severe anxiety, OCD, acid reflux (don’t have that anymore), depression between high school and college (though i think i had anxiety in middle school too) since they had a large part in my grades dropping and my motivation decreased constantly and I haven’t gotten it back since then. She told even back then she though I might have asperger’s but it was hard when teacher’s kept saying nothing was wrong. Even when she was more understanding that something was wrong with me, she still was strict in other ways I guess. Don’t remember much from even my teenage years since i’ve been trying to forget high school and even college.
In most ways, yes. I think one of the only things my parents were ever lenient about was the kind of media I consumed. I watched a lot of adult cartoons as a kid (South Park is one of the most vulgar ones I can think of, which I've been watching since I was a baby). Not to mention R-rated horror movies, but I watched those less often. I was always allowed to play M-rated games (but I almost never did), as well as listen to bands/artists that have a lot of profanity and mature themes in their songs. I was exposed to that specific media by my parents, and they never minded, so that's the only thing they weren't "strict" about. That being said, my parents are strict about pretty much everything else.
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I'm 17, and so far no strict parents, of course the basics like don't drink, don't do drugs, don't do things you aren't ready for. And I don't want to, so I won't, but they don't really enforce these rules. I do have a location tracker on my phone, but they don't use it to enforce behaviors, its just to know where I am if I'm gone for a while, or I check it to see where my parents are. If I do have a lock on my door, not in the current house, but previously I wasn't allowed to lock it in case they needed to come in.
Yes I did and they are the reason why I became such a people pleaser the first time and how I am not very confident in myself these days. Its a long and pretty complicated story that I don't want to talk about.
when i lived with my grandparents they were awful, and then my mom dated some guy for about 9 years that was absolutely awful. he went beyond strict and was borderline abusive without the hitting/physical harm. even things like opening a window were met with screaming and threats.

parents love your kids challenge. do that challenge
HAHAHAHAhahaha. Asian parents.

I guess I was disciplined at a young age, but the way they raised to become who I am today wasn't really......... ideal for a parent. I don't wanna get into specifics, but let's just say a lot of the problems I have now were rooted in their upbringing of me. Also, I'm 20+ years old and I still get told by my parents here and there, and the same goes for a lot of my local friends and other local people. Yesterday one of my friends wanted to go out for coffee, and another friend went "I can't go out today, my parents are in a bad mood haha." Note that we are all fully-grown 20-something year olds in the group.

Maybe it really is an Asian parent thing idk.
My parents gave me a lot of freedom to make my own decisions. Of course sometimes they would forbid me something because they knew it wasn’t good for me. They only forbade me very few things though. Concerning further education, I was never interested in that and my parents were totally fine with that. I started to work at age 15 after I finished school. My parents let me do what I wanted with the money that I earned. I only had a set bedtime until I was about 11 maybe, from then on I could go to bed whenever I wanted. My parents always tried to protect me from bad experiences, but gave me a lot of freedom and responsibility. I never felt annoyed by them. I am really glad they did what they did.
Not at all. My parents were the opposite of strict. I knew what was right and what was wrong from a young age, and since I was such a people pleaser, I'd never do "wrong" things for years and always followed my parents instructions. I was never disciplined. There were never any clear rules or boundaries, more like unspoken rules that you'd never attempt. I was allowed to roam the neighbourhood streets by myself from a young age (like 7-8 yrs old). I even went into the local recreational forest by myself. I guess they never needed to be controlling as I was always very self-disciplined. I was never set chores, cooking, allowance etc., which was probably a bad thing as I gained my own skills/independence relatively late, where I wish I had learned those things earlier.