Did you reset your town to start with and what were your deciding factors?


Senior Member
Jun 14, 2013
Throwback Tickets
Did you reset your town loads to get the "perfect" town or something specific? I was wondering who else was crazy enough to do this!

I must have restarted like 50 times just to get Wolfgang as he was my favourite animal in Wild World that I managed to keep the whole time (even now).

Unfortunately, when he decided to appear my town map wasn't great, but I'll live with it and I had pear trees which aren't top of my list of fruit.
I reseted once, and found a pretty nice map. That's all I needed. Luckily the fruit I started with were apples, which are one of my favourite fruit.

Sadly, the villagers that arrived later on managed to screw it up (and Purrl, she had her house in the spot I wanted my house in) Now it kind of sucks. lol
I reset once. It didn't occur to me that even if I denied a map I could still pick it again after seeing all four so I just picked the second because it was nicer than the first and I didn't want to try my luck and get stuck with something worse. It was only after I selected it that I occurred to me that I read about people picking after seeing all four. Then when I saw my villagers and the fruit (cherries) I decided to give it another go. I didn't even make it as far as town hall. I told myself when I reset it that I would only do it once, because I didn't look at all four maps the first time - and I stuck to that.

I was happy when I got a mainly straight (horizontal) river in one of the maps offered after resetting. As a plus, I adore two of my villagers (Peanut & Filbert) and I was happy to see peaches because that's one of my favourite fruits to eat in RL. :) The only downside is that the direction the river flows in (left to right) irritated me at first, but it's not worth losing everything else for.
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I reset about 10 times. I wanted a town where the buildings were relatively spread out, with a nice waterfall area to place my house.
I didn't need to reset, my first map was PERFECT. The tree was in the middle, the town hall was close, my lake was good for fishing, down slopes, re-tail near the station, good spread of villagers houses, and it had ponds!
I reset once because I wasn't happy with the villagers. I settled for my second town, only for a villager to move in right in front of my house... =/ I had no choice but to reset.
I never reset - I don't have much of a preference for fruit, villagers, or map appearance ^_^
I resetted about four or five times I think. The map I have now is perfect for me, I know I'm going to enjoy walking around in it for years to come! Also got one of my favorite villagers, Walker.
I reset many times so I could get Cherries as my town fruit. Normally I wouldn't bother because I could get Cherries from someone else, but you can't grow perfect fruit unless it's your town fruit.
I didn't reset but i would have if my town wouldnt have been so great

i got exactly the layout i wanted and the grass, trainstation/townhall have both red roofs
town fruit is apple, would have preferred pears and peaches but happy that i have not oranges or cherries

Villagers can move in and out so that was not something i would have reset for^^
Resetted to get a good layout and a sheep villager (my favourites, prefrably a new one)

Ended up with a good layout, and Timbra a new sheep!! and also two cats (i love the cats) and Tammi a villager i have always wanted
took ages though
I restarted once because i ended up not liking my town map so
i went through until i found one i liked and whos residents i liked xP
I didnt really care which town fruit i had lol
Haven't gotten my game (or 3DS) yet. Can you reset if you have a town you like but want to try for new characters? I guess what I'm asking is, can you save after you select a town map but before villagers move in?
I thought I was going to reset my town to get the villagers I wanted. But the first map Rover showed me I liked a LOT. I liked it so much, I didn't ask to see other maps. I didn't get the villagers I wanted, but it's OK. I really like my villagers anyway (all ones I've never had in the past). The map I got was worth not resetting. I've seen other maps on the town map thread and other places, and I don't like anyone else's map as much as I like mine.
I played my first town for a few days after lots of resets. I ended up not liking that town, and spent about 3 hours going for my town that I absolutely love now. I didn't want buildings close together, and I wanted Re-Tail to be fairly close to one of my two ramps. Plus I didn't want a straight river, or peaches.
I kept resetting when I first got the game to get a map i can work with. I've had my current town since June 9th, and I'll be keeping it for as long as I can.
Haven't gotten my game (or 3DS) yet. Can you reset if you have a town you like but want to try for new characters? I guess what I'm asking is, can you save after you select a town map but before villagers move in?

Once you save I think you need to demolish the whole town, including neighbours to be able to reset. Basically if you want to keep trying for other animals/maps just reset without saving at all. :)
Once you save I think you need to demolish the whole town, including neighbours to be able to reset. Basically if you want to keep trying for other animals/maps just reset without saving at all. :)

Thanks Kitsch :) Town layout will be my deciding factor in resetting since neighbors move.
I reset once to get a decent town map where everything was where I wanted it. Fruit and villagers weren't a bother as they can and will change, but I have to live with the layout forever!
I really want to because Im not totally happy with my map/villagers, but I dont wanna lose everything I got so i'll work with what I got for now zzz