Shop DIYS ONLY 10TBT EACH: Seasonal, Mermaid, Spooky & Celeste/Zodiac DIYs | All materials including seasonal and star frags for sale!

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  1. TBT Bells
60 tbt
Pisces lamp
scorpio lamp
moon rover
cherry blossom branches
cherry blossom bonsai

edit: gotta go to work, hope can get these tomorrow
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I'll take a jingle wall diy for 15tbt, so that I can finally free myself of this hell of my own personal making

available asap, btw
60 tbt
Pisces lamp
scorpio lamp
moon rover
cherry blossom branches
cherry blossom bonsai

edit: gotta go to work, hope can get these tomorrow
I'll message you!
I'll take a jingle wall diy for 15tbt, so that I can finally free myself of this hell of my own personal making

available asap, btw
I'll send dodo in a sec, I'm just about to go to bed so asap works great for me ahah!
When you’re back, I’d like the Cherry Blossom Flooring DIY for 15 TBT! Happy to find a time tomorrow or whenever when you’re available, just reserving now :)
I would like 1 of each cherry blossom recipe! I missed the season and don't want to TT for it.

It is 14 DIY recipes in total, but I'll take 1 Starry Wall DIY, please, so I can total it up to 3x 5 DIY = 3x 60 TBT = 180 TBT total, if that is okay.

I see your current status is sleeping, just let me know if this is okay and when you're available :)
When you’re back, I’d like the Cherry Blossom Flooring DIY for 15 TBT! Happy to find a time tomorrow or whenever when you’re available, just reserving now :)
Yes! Send me a message whenever you're available!
I would like 1 of each cherry blossom recipe! I missed the season and don't want to TT for it.

It is 14 DIY recipes in total, but I'll take 1 Starry Wall DIY, please, so I can total it up to 3x 5 DIY = 3x 60 TBT = 180 TBT total, if that is okay.

I see your current status is sleeping, just let me know if this is okay and when you're available :)
Lmk also when you're available! <3
Hello, can I get the Next diys please?

Mush parasol
Mush low stool
Mush table
hi i would like to buy mermaid vanity.mermaid screen,fancy lily wreath,dark tulip crown, dark tulip wreath and snowflake pochette diys please. 60 tbt right?
Pisces lamp
Sagittarius arrow
Cherry blossom trees wall
Ornament wreath
Ornament mobile

60 tbt? c: