Do showers make you feel better?

Do showers make you feel better?

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Dec 22, 2016
Do showers make you feel better?

It usually does for me. I don't know why or how. Whenever I feel depressed and
force myself to freakin' shower, I feel better. I don't know why or how.
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Yes, I find them relaxing after a long day of work. Baths are meh; I don't want to soak in what slowly becomes filth.
Yes, I find them relaxing after a long day of work. Baths are meh; I don't want to soak in what slowly becomes filth.

Now that I'm actually thinking about it, I think showers make (some)
people, like me, feel better because of the hot water on the body feels
good. If you feel good externally, it helps make you feel good internally?
Omg I flipping adore showers! They relax me so much! I blast music from outside the shower and go into my own little water world! It's an escape from my noisy life!

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Now that I'm actually thinking about it, I think showers make (some)
people, like me, feel better because of the hot water on the body feels
good. If you feel good externally, it helps make you feel good internally?

I really dislike the feeling of being dirty and grimy. If I don't shower and wear clean clothes at least every other day, I suffer.
Ahh yes, showering is the best. When my depression gets to me though sometimes it's hard to get in. I'm not exactly sure why... I've always been like that.

Baths are nice too, thankfully i'm moving to a place that has a tub... Which means so many bath bombs *heart eyes* but I always rinse off in the shower before getting out of the tub.
Not really cause when I in the shower it always takes me forever to wash shampoo/conditioner out of my hair (because my hair is really fine but I have a lot of it so it just absorbs everything). Then when I get out I have forests of long hair growing everywhere and it takes me a good 10 min to get rid of all of them.

Basically for some reason showering is a stressful and very demanding experience for me, but I can't not shower so...
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Nah. I usually think in the shower and i think about scenarios that could happen to me or i reflect on my life so far. Usually bad stuff.
A bath relaxes me however I very rarely have a bath
I have a shower every morning before work but I like to save water
yes hot showers are one of the few things that make me feel better when i'm sick or depressed

when i'm sick i'll get up and take a hot shower every couple hours

i also just feel gross if i don't shower everyday but they are so relaxing and calming.

I also love a post shower bath

or just relaxing in the hot tub, i'm just convinced hot water is the healing serum of life
Showers are definitely way more rejuvenating than baths for me personally. I actually can't stand baths, or I have to be in a very specific mood to actually want to take a bath over a shower; most of the time a bath makes me feel very lethargic and eventually irritable. Showers are refreshing and much quicker, I prefer not to drag it out, unless I'm feeling sick or something.
I find baths relaxing. I don?t take showers at all. It?s always been baths.
You betcha, Krabs. I shower about a half hour after I'm done with my exercise sessions, and I usually always feel nice and refreshed!

PS: Good to see that there's only one person on this website who doesn't shower XD
Hmmm, no. For some reason, seeing hair on the metal plate that covers the drain really disgusts me. It's not like I can ignore it because the water from the faucet will sometime bring the water on the floor (and hair) back to me. Due to this, I generally view showers to be very dirty and can't relax because of it.

Just to be clear, I still shower regularly. It's just not pleasant.
I like showers and they always wake me up in the morning, or make me feel better after work, exercise or during the really hot days of summer. I don't always find them completely relaxing though, my hair is quite long and thick so washing shampoo and conditioner out takes longer then I'd like so on those days the showers can be quite tiring.

I really love baths though (mostly with bath bombs or nice smelling bubble bath added in), especially during the winter when I find it really cosy soaking in a warm bath and relaxing with a book or just playing some music on the side, always find this is a really good way to unwind after a long day.
I can barely move or think in the mornings without my shower! Also, if I go more than a day without a shower I start to itch! What’s up with that?