Showers feel good to me in general, but especially when I'm sad. I usually just sit in there as the hot water pours over me. Luckily, my phone is waterproof so it always keeps me company and I can play music, watch videos, etc. I always have a hard time leaving my showers since they're so relaxing and calming.
unless i’m physically feeling gross, no. i’m always low energy when i’m depressed, upset, etc but even though being clean while experiencing any sort of mental or emotional turmoil (and just in general)is nice, hopping in the shower just exhausts me more for the most part and that just makes me feel worse.
Lmao okay who's the one person who doesn't shower?
Honestly though I loooove showers. When we moved into our house, the water heater was junk and had to be replaced. We didn't have a ton of money left (first house, expensive enough to just get in) but you know I had to put as much money as possible into getting the best water heater I could. I'm sure it's wasteful and whatnot but I just love steaming away in the shower *o* I also take like skin melting hot showers lmao. That's also probably bad but it makes me feel so clean and chill! Plus it's like a poor man's hot tub haha.
Yes and no for me. Feeling clean and refreshed certainly does make me feel better, but after I shower I usually get this weird sensory issue. It's hard to describe, but it's kind of like everything feels wrong on my skin and I'm hyper-aware of everything I'm in contact with, and I have to sit somewhere dark and quiet for about 15-20 minutes after my shower before I start to feel normal again. I don't know if it's a water-pressure thing or what; it doesn't happen to me after baths, but I still usually shower because showering feels cleaner and saves time and water.
They definitely make me feel better emotionally and initially also physically. But i have really dry skin so in the winter its a hell afterwards, because i have to lotion 3 times (each an hour apart) so ill get all sticky for 3 hours. If i don't do that i won't be able to sleep because my skin feels like its ripping open
For sure yeah. I used to always prefer baths, but since I started having showers due to them being much quicker, I realised how much I was really missing out. I've also been a little bit down this past week, but forcing myself to have a shower every morning, as well as having a strict healthcare routine, has definitely made me feel a bit better. Haven't been brave enough to try a cold shower yet though despite some people heavily recommending them, so I might give those a go soon.
Showers make me feel better, yeah. Sometimes if I'm in a really lousy mood it can take me a moment to work up the energy to shower but I almost always feel better for it. I figure if I'm going to feel lousy the most I can do is at least make sure I'm clean and in fresh clothes. It doesn't make the feeling go away entirely but I find it helps a fair bit at least.
Yes, I relax at the end of each day with a long, hot shower and it makes me feel so much better. Taking a shower feels like I'm washing the stress of the day away and I love to just stand there letting the hot water run over my hair and shoulders. It's very cathartic and pretty much the only time I'm free to get lost in my own thoughts. I love my showers.
Yes, showers can be very therapeutic for me. My breathing becomes regulated and slower (especially on days that have been particularly bad in terms of my anxiety), my muscles relax and I have some time to wind down. Showers also help when I get headaches and migraines (which is frequent) and help if I have a cold. I choose to shower at night for these reasons, it is very nice at the end of a long day.
Sometimes a good shower makes me feel human again...especially if I'm feeling overworked. And I just love water in general, tbh. This past summer we had to tear down our pool, because it was starting to rust through in spots and just wasn't safe anymore. This summer will be the first time I haven't had a pool in about 15 years. I dread it.
More than you could know. I go in the shower at high heat and sit in there and cry for like half an hour. Its really nice. I love taking showers and being refreshed afterward.