I tried to repair it too but parts were too expensive, I plan to bring it to a place recycling them. I got a new computer since, a refurbished one, and someone gave me their old monitor and mouse. Works pretty well so far.That was pretty much me with my 2008 laptop because I hold onto to things until they pretty much won't work at all. And even then, I'll look up tutorials and research to see if I can fix things. I remember replacing the fan, taking apart the entire laptop to add thermal paste to all the right spots, ect. It worked pretty well to keep it going for a few more years, but it still took just as long to start up as yours did.
I like to try to fix things before replacing them. It's a lot of money, especially considering a laptop expense, and so many people just throw things away if it has one minor problem. So many are just so wasteful. I've literally found so many things thrown away that needed just a little bit of work. Someone threw away really big industrial fans because they were covered in food grease. It was caked in them. I took one and all it took was a bottle of spray-nine and cleaner. I dismantled the fan to clean out all the spots. Maybe a $10 expense + an hour of my time. Now I still have a $200 fan someone was too lazy to clean up.
Good luck with your transfer whenever you decide to tackle it. It's weird to make that big of a purchase, but I'm sure the new laptop is making it worth it.
Just like your fan, It's how I got a 3DS too. Someone threw it away because the charging port was broken. The part costs like 2-3$ and I watched videos on yt on how to do it. Still working well.