Do starter villagers keep their generic furniture if they move to another island?


Rae (AEDT timezone: UTC+11)
Oct 27, 2013
New Horizons Token
August Birthstone (Peridot)
White Cosmos
Pear (Fruit)
White Lily
Title! I've got Mira in my town and a friend is interested in adopting her one day, but because she was a starter villager she's got the generic "story mode" furniture.
I was just wondering if anybody knows if starter villagers keep their same house layout when they move to somebody else's island, or if they default back to their proper, unique furniture?
If adopting a villager works the same as it did in New Leaf, she'll likely have the same furniture as she did on your island.
If adopting a villager works the same as it did in New Leaf, she'll likely have the same furniture as she did on your island.

Thank you, I thought that might be the case. :blush:
Can anybody confirm?