Do y'all think perfect fruit will make a comeback?

i hope they come back!! I loved my perfect oranges back in new leaf... <3 I also don't see any reason for them to NOT come back.
I hope so. I love perfect fruit, it was a nice feature. The dead trees were also really cool and added some variety for town designing.
i'd like for the perfect fruit to return, but as a variety of fruit instead of perfect fruit. i miss the perfect oranges ;w;

but like most i'd more so like the other fruits and new fruits to show up too! i want strawberries and blueberries in this game soooo bad!!
I think they will but how it's uncertain. Normal fruit gives you powers to move fully grown trees and break the biggest of boulders if anything you would think the perfect fruit would do that instead.
I don't think they will! They don't really serve much purpose, imo. The perfect apples were pretty cute though!
I really hope so. I miss the perfect peaches, apples and oranges. Those three were my favorites out of all of them. I currently have peaches on my island, so I would love to have the perfect peaches back.