I could never stick with just one lineup, not when there are so many lovely collect-the-tables to mix 'n' match and play around with
as of 2024 (thanks to the Egg Hunt) I have exactly 20 different lineups I can choose from, depending on things such as my current mood, season, holiday, whatever matches the aesthetic of the forum and what best fits the ongoing event. I strive to create lineups that are as unique as possible from everyone else's, and I'm dedicated to giving each one its own cute little story~ I don't want to just put whatever looks prettiest together because then it just ends up looking too similar to most other lineups.
20 lineups to rotate from every year.... I never thought I would actually accomplish such a feat. I went from having just a single little kaleidoclover and an August Birthstone (Peridot) back in 2020 to having things like Black Feathers, Galaxy eggies, a RAINBOW FEATHER of all things, and so....many....Pink Star Fragments
also, I always say that the best thing that could ever happen is just letting lineups happen on their own, you'd be pleasantly surprised with the results sometimes. Especially with as little date trading as possible.