Do you buy or self breed your hybrids?

Do you buy or self breed your hybrids?

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I bred all of mine myself with the exception of Green Mums where I got gifted one and it went nuts in the rainy season 😂
I dont breed my flowers, but I do see Hybrids sometimes growing. I got most of my hybrids from people I cycle villagers for, as a thank you.

But my island is covered in custom made grass except for a few areas. So plants rarely spawn, except for those few untouched areas
Technically both, right here. I bred so many and then got bored, after designing an area for them to go, so I thought I'd do some trading to finish the collection.
for everything except my blue roses, i self-bred (albeit mostly unintentionally — i do a ton of TTing so just about all of my hybrids just popped up on their own.) then the blue roses were a gift from a friend because i was having a hard time breeding them and she got a bunch from someone so she offered me a few, and then they just.... kept multiplying from there. those things really do grow like weeds... even after i’ve cleaned out my entire island they keep multiplying again.......
I usually just end up buying the hybrids from the lovely stores here in the Nooks Cranny Tab. I would like to start growing certain hybrids
I've bred all the flowers now, but I was very firm about doing it myself, rather than buying.

Nothing wrong with either approach, but I wanted the satisfaction. And I was very happy with my efforts when I finally got a blue rose.
I usually buy them. I have neither the room on my island nor the motivation to breed them myself... 😅 The silver lining of buying them or getting them for free is that you connect with other players more, so there's a social aspect to it. In general, the social/trading element of the game is super important for me; not only is it enjoyable, but my island wouldn't be what it is without trading or freebies!
I self breed and never trade. I'm trying my best on NH not to trade to make the game last longer, if that makes sense. If I trade, I accomplish things too fast.

My latest thing is to try to make my own green mums. It's so hard! I've played since launch and never been able to make them.
My latest thing is to try to make my own green mums. It's so hard! I've played since launch and never been able to make them.
Have you tried using a guide? Breeding green mums isn't simple, but they are easier to get than most of the purple hybrids and black cosmos. They have an odd breeding path that makes them hard to get if you are guessing what you are supposed to do, but if you know what to do they're relatively easy to get compared to other hybrids. If you're just having really bad luck, then hopefully things will turn around for you.
I self-bred most of my hybrids when I started, and I have never actually bought any. However, there was someone on here a while ago clearing out their island of tonnes of stuff, and I luckily got a load of hybrids (which now also reproduce themselves). Might still be missing a few types though so I might need to get into breeding again!
I did self breeding for all of mine, but have gotten a few extras from a friend. I could not get my stupid orange flowers to clone! They used to, but just stopped, and I was impatient. :)
i bred most of mine but for some of the more annoying ones i just bought off here lol (blue roses and all of the non-rose purple hybrids)
I grow all of my own hybrids. I enjoy hybrid breeding, and I find it very satisfying when a rare color I've been trying for finally appears.
For the most part I've self-bred them, though I did end up getting some hybrids through giveaways or as tips. I've never had any need to buy them.
Self breed. It’s one of my favorite parts of the game. Finally got all the hybrids and got rid of most of my hybrid breeding areas that were taking up lots of room. Blue roses are always the biggest pain, but there are some good YouTube tutorials that lead you through it step by step.
Half and half? I've bred most of my flowers. However, it's the more difficult ones (blue roses and purple pansies) that I prefer to buy a pair. I also prefer to buy when I'm running out of time to work on a project.....however, this rarely happens.
I prefer to do it myself. It is exciting to me when i open my game and go around my island searching for new hybrids. The only type i considered buying so far is the blue roses because ugh!!
I prefer to do it myself. It is exciting to me when i open my game and go around my island searching for new hybrids. The only type i considered buying so far is the blue roses because ugh!!
If you wanted a blue rose I'll happily give you one.
If you wanted to breed them that's cool too. I bred my own instead of buying for the satisfaction I did it myself.
Took 5 month though

And now I have them they grow like weeds lol
I don’t know the first thing about hybrids, so I get them from other people. I can’t breed any hybrid. If I do get one, it’s by accident.