Do you buy or self breed your hybrids?

Do you buy or self breed your hybrids?

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I did a mix of buying and breeding. Some of the rarer flowers never grew so I just bought them.
If you wanted a blue rose I'll happily give you one.
If you wanted to breed them that's cool too. I bred my own instead of buying for the satisfaction I did it myself.
Took 5 month though

And now I have them they grow like weeds lol
Oh, i did not even last 5 months before giving up XD I think i should keep trying too! Just like you, i find it more satisfactory to do it myself, but thank you so so much for your offer. Yep, i read they are unstoppable once you get a few so that is good haha.
all of my hybrids are self-bred. the only ones i had to make a super concentrated effort for were the green mums and, currently, blue roses. (haven't gotten them yet, but i feel like i'll have a good shot once i get to the final step.) less so were the purple windflowers. a lot of people say they're also really hard to get, but i personally didn't have much trouble with them. blue roses, however? my worst nightmare. i can't wait to breed one so i can finally make my rainbow flower garden and move onto the rest of my town lmao.
Wow, kudos to those who breed! I personally buy them due to lack of time.
I usually breed my own. The ones that I didn't breed were green mums though, as at the start of ACNH, I couldn't find anyone who had a Nook's Cranny selling mums for some reason. Thus I went with just buying 6 green mums to get a head start.
In the beginning, I bred most flowers myself. I got lucky with mystery flower hybrid island and brought back the purple and green mums.

Now if I need a certain flower, I ask friends or I buy them.
At first I found it fulfilling to breed my own hybrids, but then my friend gave me some and I never looked back.
I bred most of my hybrids on my own. Purple pansies, purple windflowers and green mums took forever. I ended up buying blue roses from someone because I was just done with it all.
I bred them all myself. I still haven't started on purple windflowers yet. I enjoyed following the guide to get blue roses, it was fun to log on everyday and see if I progressed to the next step. I have a second switch though so I had a boost with watering them.
At the beginning, I used to self breed every hybrid flower (in fact, I have self bred nearly all flowers on my island) but I started to buy them recently. I don't have room to breed flowers anymore so I'm forced to, as it's impossible to breed flowers on the beach.
I have been given a few in the past but all the flowers on my island I bred myself. @Dunquixote please give me a shout when you need purple pansies as I have some you can have 😊

I forgot to respond to this, sorry! >< Thanks so much! That’s really generous of you and I appreciate the offer 🥺🙏❤. I’ll let you know if I need them; I think once I get my flowers sorted out, I’ll try breeding them first :). I’ll be sure to let you know if I have no luck and give up though :).
I think I managed to breed everything except a blue rose. Since then I have been in the process of resetting - so back to square one 😰
I bought some of them at first and then just left them alone to grow like weeds. :ROFLMAO:
When I first started, I used to breed, but after awhile I got impatient and started buying them.
I guess if I needed more of the same kind, I would breed them together hoping they would multiple.

Breeding is like a full time job imo lol
I quite like the process of self breeding flowers as it gives me another incentive to play the game regularly, so far I'm breeding blue and purple hyacinths quite well alongside pink and purple tulips. I'm also currently in the process of trying to breed purple mums and pansies... just don't mention blue roses though as they're just impossible to attempt despite all the various online tutorials.
I mostly buy them and then have a couple that bred by themselves, I don’t 100% understand hybrid breeding and I’m more interested in the design aspect of my island so I just wanted a bunch of hybrids fast to decorate with lol. I feel like there is an over-abundance of hybrids in New Horizons though, it seemed selling hybrids in New Leaf was much more profitable and people rarely gave away large amounts of hybrids like they do now!