do you carbonate your water?

are you a heathen?

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Nope, I never have and don't think I ever would.
No, I despise it. Carbonation is ok in other stuff but it ruins the otherwise perfect drink that is water.
Definitely not! In fact, my best friend knows me so well that she will open a can of soda for me a few hours before I come over so that the bubbles go away:)
flat soda is the best i'm glad someone else sees the light
I only like flavoured fizzy water, plain fizzy water is just ugh to me and I would only drink it if there was nothing else
I like sparkling water, but we don't own a carbonator, so I've never carbonated plain water from the tap. Plain water is fine too, so I don't see myself going through the extra steps to make it fizzy.
i mean. i don't do it myself. but yes i drink sparkling water and regular water. besides like, seasonal sodas, i ONLY drink water. sparkling water IMO tastes better than most sodas because you don't get that horrific sugar-slime aftertaste.
Yes. I’m trying to cut back on soda, so drinking mineral water has been helpful. However, it has a lot of sodium so I can’t drink it everyday and that sucks.
I don't even know how to carbonate water, or that it was something people did at home. o___o
you can do that at home?? Occasionally I buy carbonated water to make fizzy lemonade with, but I never drink anything else that's carbonated so no.
I didn't know that was a thing until now. I would rather have store-bought sparkling water and normal water from the water dispenser.
I love carbonated drinks, but carbonated water always has a weird taste, even with flavor. I hate it with a passion.

We used to have a machine that would carbonate water, but it only tasted good when we added a ton of soda flavoring. :v
I buy sparkling water varieties, but I haven't ever tried carbonating water myself.
I don't drink soda or anything of the sort so I think carbonated water is gross
I went to the UK and got water, not knowing it was sparkling and I actually felt like I was being poisoned ... I was so thirsty though.. every sip was -10 HP
I gave up soda so long ago that I don't miss it or the carbonation. I have had sparkling water a few times throughout the years since, but only occasionally. I like sparkling water, it's fine, but I don't go out of my way to seek it out; it's usually just something I might consume if it's at like an event or something.

I don't own any devices to carbonate water and don't really have any desire to get one either.
Nope! I was never a fan of carbonated beverages. I didn't like the feeling of the bubbles in my mouth.

We get our water dispensed from the refrigerator. We seldom ever purchase bottles. I do carry a travel bottle though, but it's typically just filled from wherever I can get water.