Do you complete your games at 100% or you just complete the main story.

In an ideal world, I would 100% all the games I play. However, because of time constraints, I will typically focus on only 100%ing games that I either really enjoy or that are quick enough to 100%, and then only beat the story for any other game.
I will only go for 100% if it gives me something of value, like story content or a cosmetic to use in NG+. It is extremely rare that I am motivated to do so for bragging rights alone. Persona 5 was the last game that was fun enough for me to attempt it, and that was many years ago.
It depends on the game. I think I’ve only 100% only a few games and Persona 5 was one of them for me too! I love that game so much ☺️.
It kinda depends. If I’m really enjoying the game I’ll stick around and go for 100% completion assuming it doesn’t involve too much tedious tasks or repeat playthroughs
If I like a game a lot I usually try to get a platinum trophy and do all the content in the game! I really enjoy reward systems for this reason. It's a great motivation to keep going and explore everything!
I usually try and 100% games, even during the main story of games I always like to go off the path you're not supposed to go down to carry on the story, try and find out all of the side content available to me at any given time, and complete everything even after the story is finished. However if there are things that I just don't care for (all 900 Korok seeds in BOTW for example) then I'll just leave that, I'm happy to not complete something like that.
I really try to 100% them, though if some of the tasks are really grindy and ridiculous, I might not bother. I'm more inclined for franchises I really care about.
I don't 100% games but for splatoon i will :] i 100%-ed splatoon 3 main story mode and will 100% Side Order once I have more time (I've finished with all weapons in SE & low-hacks mode, just need to sell out the shop). Currently trying to 100% splatoon 2 main story, it's taking me a while since the scrolls and anchovies are very tricky to find and as much as possible I don't wanna repeat the level so I'm keeping my eyes peeled all the time hehe.
If I really, REALLY like a game, I'll go for 100% otherwise I'll just finish the main story plus a couple of side stuff.
The story, sometimes not though. It depends. My attention span is so bad most games I don't even complete the main story, so 100% completion definitely never happens either
normally I just finish the main storyline, and then if it’s not too much major hassle I might try and also 100% it. I’ve been trying to do this with littlewood for ages - I completed the main storyline a while back and only have three or four achievements left, but I tend to burn out after a bit of grinding so have to come back to it in waves
I definitely WOULD be a 100% completion person, but time does not allow that for me. I usually complete the main story and about half of the side quests. Like finding 999 korok seeds? Sorry, I don’t have time for that lol. Or getting X number of an item that has like a 2% or less drop rate? Sorry.

One day I’ll have time to be a completionist.
When I play a game, I normally try to complete a lot of it/as much as I can, but I don't usually reach 100% completion. If the game's short, then I'm more likely to 100% it.

With platformers like Mario, I usually try to collect as much as I can during my first time playing through each level. Then at the end I'll go back and do my best to find and collect the things I missed the first time. One thing I tend to not complete in games like this is the post-game content, so extra stages and levels unlocked after the main story is completed. I'll go through what I can, but these levels are usually tougher, so they're more time consuming to beat, especially if you're trying to collect everything along the way.

For games like Animal Crossing, I don't think I've ever fully completed a single game. I'll collect a lot of things at first, add the first of everything I get to the museum collection, help NPCs with tasks, upgrade things, and so on, but I never finish with all of them before I start playing less and move on to other games. My ACNH museum is missing bugs, fossils, art, fish... My catalog definitely isn't complete, etc.
That's the goal to 100% it but usually I'll miss really sneaky secrets or choose not to bother with annoying side quests. It depends on how persistent I am feeling. In most games, I am always missing like 5%-10% left but I feel accomplished enough, haha.

I will always complete the main storyline but a lot of my gameplay is me trying steal anything shiny or running off with a fish-shaped vase. I like getting sidetracked.
100% majority of the time. I’m struggling to think of a game I haven’t , and as I was typing that I remembered. I never 100%ed Epic Mickey because it requires THREE playthroughs which is ridiculous.
I always plan to 100% but sometimes I take an indefinite hiatus. I don't really consider it 'complete' if it's not 100% or at least everything except like really repetitive goals for no real reward like "do this 100 times, craft that 500 times" and the reward is like, a star in a menu😑.
I usually do the main story, but certain games never seem to end. For example, I want to collect all the Power Moons in Mario Odyssey, even thought I finished the main game. I also did the same with the seeds and Special World in Mario Wonder, even though that was a lot easier.

It depends on the game and whether or not I’d find the outcome interesting.