Do you do your nails/get them done?

My friend is trying to get a job as a nail tech, so I’m her practice dummy sometimes (which I don’t mind at all, haha)

My nails are super brittle so I always have to have some kind of polish on them or they break really easily.
i’ve never gone to a professional nail salon but i’ve tried to do them myself and it always ends up looking AWFUL.

the only time that my efforts ended up looking good is when i went through a phase of painting them black lol but at the time i wasn’t trying to make it look super neat.

i’ve tried press on nails before but i hated how they feel, maybe its because i bought really cheap ones? they were very long and i wear contacts so they weren’t a good idea to begin with. i want to try to grow my natural nails out again but they always split or get soft.
i paint my own nails on occasion, especially if it's for something nice, but it's not something i regularly keep up. i've been considering starting to get them done regularly so they look nicer, but i play rugby at uni so i can never really have longer nails during term time... maybe as a graduation present to myself
I do sometimes paint my nails, I have one polish that is a really pretty colour and so sparkly! but I don't like the feeling of having nail polish on, especially when it starts to come off and half of it doesn't want to budge. I usually don't bother with it.

I'd love to get a manicure someday, but I could never have long/acrylic nails, it'd drive me crazy haha.
I paint my nails, very rarely, i go through a mood from time to time when i wanna do something fun and ive done some pattern nails, they usually look a bit…rough, but kinda cute and then i wear them until theyre almost completely chipped off. I just kindof get annoyed with the feeling of the wet/drying nail polish and i often end up messing it up smudging it everytime no matter how careful i am 😔 so it takes a lot of energy out of me

I have not tried fake/acrylic nails, i would like to try one day cuz i think they look really cool! But living with mostly natural nails my whole life i fear theyd be uncomfortable
no. I work with my hands a lot and having dainty nails sounds impractical and stressful. I might try press on nails sometime though.
I just keep mine trimmed >.> i don't like the feeling of long nails or having paint or decorations on my nails. But I do trim them myself.