I bought a home water filter because while the water here is perfectly safe to drink, it's hard water/ has a really high mineral content and I'm not too keen on the flavor.
yeah, it's clean here. what i do is that i just get a plastic water bottle, fill it up at the sink, and put it in the fridge to cool. we also have one of the water dispenser things on the fridge that i'd otherwise use.
Yes, I'm in Scotland and its good here. Although recently there was an issue with the local water system and I'm now uneasy when it comes to drinking tap water, although I know it's fine.
Apparently our tap water isn't very safe for consumption.. But I still drink it every so often ;o; I try not to though! I know its bad for my own health and what not, but when I don't have a water bottle next to my bed in the middle of the night I just get it from the sink ;o; Im horrible i know... My husband scolds me whenever he catches me drinking it. Heck! We have to put some Water cleaner type of thing in our fish tank since the water isn't safe for fish to live in! ;o; SO yeah... I would say no i don't drink it, but i unfortunately do every so often...
yeah! usually we fill a pitcher or two and chuck it in the fridge so the water cools and kind of... settles a bit? I don't know, its just how we always do it + when you get it straight from the tap the water froths a little bit (which wouldn't happen if I ran the water a little slower and waited a couple extra seconds but uhhh yeah)
Yeah, I do drink tap water. I think it?s good. Some may call me weird for this, but I would prefer tap over some of the bottled waters. Yes, I?m a weird person, but I can admit that.
Tap water is not safe to drink in the Philippines we do have a filter system so I technically drink tap water, but I voted no since it?s not regular tap water.
some places have really great tap water that's filtered really well however where I live the tap water is absolute crap and I wouldn't drink it if I had to. I don't even like cooking with it much less drinking. I rely on my Brita and my PUR filter's and pitchers to save my water.
Where I grew up the tap was amazing and I remember drinking out the water hose as a child but I just couldn't imagine doing such a thing now. also remember the water crisis in flint? they still haven't removed lead pipes so idk just sayinggggg