do you ever get music stuck in your head without hearing/listening to the song anytime recently?


  • all the time, and I hate it

  • all the time, and my feelings about it depend on the song

  • all the time, and I love it

  • sometimes, and I hate it

  • sometimes, and my feelings about it depend on the song

  • sometimes, and I love it

  • rarely, and I hate it

  • rarely, and my feelings about it depend on the song

  • rarely, and I love it

  • never

  • I'm deaf and/or have some other disability that prevents me from hearing/retaining musical sounds

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Yea sometimes!! I even posted on Reddit one time trying to remember this vocaloid song I haven't heard in years to the point that i forgot the title. ;w;
It happens for me sometimes and it can be annoying.I haven’t listened to music in a long time. Sometimes it happens a lot and then there are periods where it doesn’t happen much.
It happens occasionally and how I feel about it really depends on the song. I have found that the remedy to a song or portion of it looping in my brain is to listen to that song in full a few times back to back. After that my brain is satisfied and lets it go.
Yes, some songs are quite catchy and so when they play it becomes lodged in my head for a long time. It can be distracting and I have to repeatedly listen to it several times before its no longer a thing for me. Some are enjoyable songs. Some are...not so enjoyable.
I get songs that I haven't heard in a while stuck in my head all the time... potentially every day. Usually its a song I like so I don't mind it so much, I will end up listening to it for real

When it's a song that I don't like though then it sucks and I try to at least get a different song stuck in my head
This song, or mainly the main music in this, I haven't watched this in years, but the music always comes back.

Nevermind, it's the paino version of this song in the credits of the film that keep attacking my brain:

The Reaper from the 70s gets in my head now and then for no reason at all. I don't mind it but it is odd still.
Lol I consistently wake up with songs in my head. Sometimes they are fantastic and sometimes they drive me insane hahaha!!!
Songs get stuck in my head sometimes and how I feel depends on the song. Lately it's been songs from Hazbin Hotel which i dont mind at all. Though today at work, out of no where the K9 Advantix commercial with the singing dog that hasn't been on TV in FOREVER popped in my head 🤦‍♀️

Usually, I don't mind. It's annoying when it's just the same lyric on repeat or if it's some dumb meme song from Instagram.
some days a song I've not heard in years will randomly pop into my head and no matter how many times I listen to it on repeat it LITERALLY won't leave my mind.... and then when it does for some reason it's not as fun to listen to anymore? like the ear worm ate it up and wants to eat something else 😭😭😭 I've gone through too many artists/albums because of this it's such a struggle
Yesterday morning I woke up with a song in my head that I haven't listened to in at least two years, probably more. It was so random and I don't know what triggered it but it was stuck in my head all day.
Heh, its really usually 90s or 80s music thats stuck in my head these days its usually stuff like the grunge era like pearl jam or nirvana case in point.