Do you ever wonder what Hogwarts House each villager would be in?

Phoebe - Gryffindor: A phoenix is best suited there I think!
Knox - Slytherin: He clanks around town in his armour acting tough to the others, but is secretly conscious of what they all think.
Sterling - Slytherin: He's neighbours with Knox in a fort on my island. It's only fitting that they remain armoured sidekicks.
Gonzo - Ravenclaw: He's old and at times a bit short with the others, but his love of nature and his willingness to keep learning makes him a good fit here.
Audie - Ravenclaw: She's that one outgoing character from another house that tends to get involved with the main characters. If she's not involved, she'll let it be known that she should be, and that you'd best never forget to invite her to things again!
Marina - Hufflepuff: She just strikes me as one of those forgettable characters that Rowling throws into this house as a filler character (sorry Marina, but your one-liner convos kill me sometimes).
Sprinkle - Gryffindor: She's a friend of Audie, but she likes to get into trouble with the others every now and then.
Erik: Gryffindor: He's that naïve fellow who just gets picked on by Raymond and the boys. He really makes the effort to understand the conversations, but he's always being pulled along by a thread. He'd prefer to sit around the chamber and eat or study bugs for the next class.
Tasha - Hufflepuff: She just strikes me as one that has a sense of adventure beneath the talk of fashion.
Raymond - Slytherin: He's that guy who poses the illusion that he's everyone's friend, but he'd throw you under the bus in seconds.
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Here's the vibes I get from my current villagers:
Margie - Hufflepuff
Fauna - Hufflepuff
Whitney - Ravenclaw
Ketchup - Gryffindor
Agnes - Slytherin
Blanche - Ravenclaw
Genji - Ravenclaw
Rudy - Gryffindor
Beau - Hufflepuff
Graham - Slytherin
I have the hogwarts uniforms in my ables lol so they can pick, this is what mine seem to prefer from what they will wear from time to time

Marshal: slytherin
Francine: ravenclaw
Fauna: hufflepuff
Diana: slytherin
Reneigh: gryffindor
Tia: hufflepuff
Pekoe: ravenclaw
Pecan: gryffindor
Chrissy: ravenclaw
Cheif: slytherin
I'm not too familiar with many villagers, so I'll do my own from my island.

  • Merry: Gryffindor
  • Agent S: Gryffindor
  • Maple: Hufflepuff
  • Marshal: Gryffindor (yes, Gryffindor; Marshal's too nice to be in Slytherin IMO; he's had also way too many humble moments and letters to be in the the prideful and arrogant Slyther-house)
  • Kid Cat: Gryffindor
  • Julia: Slytherin (easy one, since most Snootys are Slyther material)
  • Cheri: Gryffindor (very Gryff, especially with how outspoken and confident she is)
  • Beau: Hufflepuff
  • Frita: Somewhere between Gryff and Huff. Frita's a tough one because she's very "big sister"-ish, looking out for you and just being genuinely loving... but then she can also have her outspoken moments that put her more towards the Gryff side. I'd still put her in Hufflepuff though. She belongs in the "Kind House".
I think Lazy and Normal villagers would be in Hufflepuff (as they're the easiest to get along with), Jocks and Peppy villagers would be in Gryffindor (since they're very energetic), Smug and Snooty villlagers could easily be in Slytherin, and lastly I could see Cranky and Sisterly villagers being in Ravenclaw because they seem to be older and wiser.