Do you fear death?

No I'm not scared of death. It will happen no matter what, so there's no point in crying about it in my opinion. Sometimes I wish I was dead, sometimes I'm glad I'm alive and other times I'm in between.

The only thing I worry about is not being able to do what I most desire, life would be a waste if I wasn't able to do what I truly wanted to do.
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I don't fear death because I'm an atheist and I don't think anything will happen, but I do fear dying -like how it'll happen and all that. I also fear more for whoever I leave behind, I know my mom would be devastated and I wouldn't want to do that to her :\ and one of my kitties is super attached to me and has high anxiety around anyone besides me or my boyfriend, so it would be really sad to leave her behind.
I'm in the middle ground of fearing and not caring. There are days where I know one day I would vert back to nothingness and that I fear that inevitability but there are days where death slips my mind.

I fear death because I'm too incline in wanting to know EVERYTHING and there's really no one or anything that can tell you what "death" is or how it's like. It's only a personal experience that where only you can experience. So the saying that you die alone sounds true. What is it like to fully become nothing before you were born? Knowing what a conscious is, how does it feel to vert from something to nothing.
I'm not afraid of death but like Shrekluvsme I do get anxious thinking of people I'll leave behind who need me so I am very cautious.
I'm actually 100% certain that there is an afterlife. I'm not religious at all, but I'm very spiritual, and going from what I've read as well as what I've experienced myself, it's definitely there.

But that doesn't really make me any less scared of it, simply because I don't know if I'm happy with what it is. When people think of the afterlife they think of Heaven and/or Hell, but it's actually so much more complicated than that, and I'm not sure if I'll be satisfied with ending up there. But it's comforting to know that everyone who passes is still around.

It's actually pretty funny because I felt really depressed just last night and I was having really awful, dark thoughts and anxiety. David Bowie once wrote "I don't want to die but I don't want to live", and that's exactly how I feel sometimes.
No I don't fear death. Like Bowie I've read up enough on the matter to convince me there is a hereafter and it can be quite nice, depending on your life deeds. I could honestly say a lot on the subject, but I'm not going to; maybe some sources if anyone's interested:
No, I don't. I want peace. Just nothingness. I really hope there is no afterlife. Just please, let me rest. I don't care what people say the afterlife is gonna be like. I know if there is one, it's gonna suck
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I'm not scared of death, more about "how", hope it won't be too scary or painful. Not interested in afterlife though, if I'm forced to live another life I will be pissed off for the eternity.

- - - Post Merge - - -

No, I don't. I want peace. Just nothingness. I really hope there is no afterlife. Just please, let me rest. I don't care what people say the afterlife is gonna be like. I know if there is one, it's gonna suck

Imagine being stuck with centuries of morons for the eternity...OTL
I don't fear death. In part because of my religious beliefs, but also because there are things in life I fear much more than death.
It's not that I fear death, it's what happens after that could scare me, I'm more terrified ever since my dad passed away 2 weeks ago
I'm not afraid of death. I'm a Christian, so I believe in the afterlife. Sometimes I worry about it, but most of the time I feel pretty confident I will go there.

The only thing I worry about is how I will die. I want my death to be quick and painless. I don't want to have a prolonged death where I just suffer for a long period of time.
The only thing I worry about is how I will die. I want my death to be quick and painless. I don't want to have a prolonged death where I just suffer for a long period of time.

I actually forgot about this part.

Actually dying is probably more scary to me than the thought of being dead.

I sometimes say I wouldn't mind dying at all, but when I feel REALLY sick, I start to fear it, it's just probably my nerves that's making me fear it but I do get Depressive at times which makes me not worry. Overall it's something I DO fear, it's just the fact I get Depressed and Anxious alot makes me think negatively.
I do fear someone I know dying, it's something I think on Daily.
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you guys are so spiritually woke

i'd like too believe in the afterlife, but i'm torn. like how i sort of believe in ghosts but at the same time, science defies their entire existence.
The thought of death is scary, but I'm okay with the logic of it. Obviously nobody wants to die, but it's just a thing that happens, you know? You can't fight it.

I do think a lot about death, though. I have come to understand that death is not the opposite of life; rather, it is the opposite of birth. Which makes me wonder, what awaits us after we die? It is still unknown to me, but I have an idea.

I sleep in peace, knowing that when I die, I'll become one with the Earth. And when Earth is consumed by our Sun as it turns into a red giant and eventually disappears, I will be one with the galaxy. And if our galaxy were ever to be destroyed for some reason, then I will be one with the universe. And if the universe were to ever disappear, I would be one with the unknown.

I'm sorry, that's the hippie in me talking lol
I'm literally so scared to die if I think about it too much I get massive anxiety
I also am terrified of people around me dying like family and friends etc