Do you fear death?

I want to complete my dreams and achieve happiness first, then I can die peacefully and cease to exist
I'm just afraid of dying before I'm ready
Yes and No?

It's a really weird battle because I have depression and anxiety so I'm both like, AHH SCARY THINGS THAT CAN KILL ME! and YAY SCARY THINGS THAT CAN KILL ME! and it's a constant battle. Like today while being driven to work in probably the most calm voice ever I alerted my boyfriend that there was a truck on fire right next to us, but literally THIS MORNING there was a fire quite a ways off and I couldn't sleep because of it. ?\_(ツ)_/?
I'm not afraid of death. I'm more afraid of not being able to achieve the things I hoped for prior to that, as well as leaving everyone who loves me behind. But death is inevitable, so there really isn't anything to fear since it's unavoidable.
Yes and no. I'm not really scared to die. Because it will happen eventually no matter what. But I'm scared of the process...
I'm afraid of death in the sense of dying alone, with no one to be there for me. I can't say I'm afraid of death itself...perhaps it's the unknown that I'm afraid of? Like is there truly nothing once we die or is there a heaven? I can't help but wonder sometime since we only know once we're dead and I wish there would be some sort of way to see it. Just to put things at ease.
i want to achieve my dreams and once i do i'll be ready to die at any age but then you think about it and like theres not that many dreams to achieve lol
Although it's inevitable, I fear death a lot. To the point where I stay up all night worrying about it and worrying whether i'll die in my sleep or not I mean the possibilty of an afterlife intrigues me, and kinda puts my mind at ease but I still fear it.
If you were to ask me while I was just chilling out, then I'd be pretentious and try to be deep and say "Nah", but ask me in a place of danger, and I'll be sure to be scarred of it.
i fear death but what i fear more than death is the uncertainty of never being able to wake up again and see this world. like, what if after u die you're just trapped in this dark space? or if reincarnation exists, then i fear that what if i reincarnate into something i dont want to be. or if heaven and hell exist, then what if i go to hell? honestly if you think about it, its not death you should fear. its the things after death you should really be fearing. it's all uncertainty and if you give this uncertainty much thought its just gonna drive you crazy.
Well, do you?
nope im always open the the sweet release of death i cant wait to die im excited

- - - Post Merge - - -

also if hell is real i hope i get a one way ticket down there reeeeeeee
Ehh, kind of. My relationship with death has gotten a lot more complicated since I realized I don't necessarily believe in the afterlife (I say "necessarily" because I'm more Agnostic than 100% Atheist). On the one hand, not believing in something like Hell makes me feel better about death, but the concept of not existing one day makes me really sad, and it makes me think a lot about what my priorities are while I'm still alive- I sort of used to believe in an afterlife and because of it, I was kind of passive about how I used my life because I sort of thought "well, if I don't do everything I want in life, I can just keep going in the afterlife, right?" but now that I've realized I don't really believe too strongly in the afterlife, and that what time I have in this life might really be all I have, it's kind of changed things for me.
No, I don't fear death, but I do fear certain ways of dying. I don't want to die painfully or in a panic. If I can just close my eyes and go to sleep, that'll be a good death.

I'm not too scared about what lies beyond death either. With the life I've led, a part of me feels like whatever comes next, even if it's nothing, will be better.
Nope i don?t see an afterlife but i can imagine the feeling of death to be peaceful.
Depends how hard I think about it. When I am trying to fall asleep I will think about it and get very scared but when I am doing something and I briefly think about death I think, 'Well it is inevitable so why fear it?'