Do You Find It Easier To Get TBT Or Real Money

Which One Do You Find Easier To Make?

  • TBT

    Votes: 30 45.5%
  • Real life money

    Votes: 19 28.8%
  • Both!

    Votes: 3 4.5%
  • None. They're both difficult

    Votes: 10 15.2%
  • It depends

    Votes: 4 6.1%

  • Total voters


Ignore my lineup pls 💜
Aug 23, 2019
Bluebird of Happiness Plush
White Star Fragment
Celeste Chick Plush
White Star Fragment
Bluebird of Happiness Plush
Sheep Plush
Pink Star Fragment
The Bell Tree Fair 2020 Patch
Pink Star Fragment
Sheep Plush
This is a fun question that I already know what the majority of you are going to say. But anyways the question is do you find it easier to make TBT or Real life currency. I find it much easier to make TBT. What about you guys?
Real money.

The best ways to earn forum currency I am either not allowed to participate in or lack the skills to do so. :p

... now that i think about it, that's kinda sad.

but i'm a freshman in high school so it's not that i'm dirt poor.
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it's way easier to make tbt, i don't even think this is a matter of opinion honestly. all you have to do to make tbt bells is post, meanwhile i'm definitely not getting any richer for yelling my opinions out into the streets.
Definitely TBT, especially since I don't currently have much of a use for it so it's accumulating...
Wow my instinct was to vote real money?? Like yes you can make 2 tbt very fast by posting literally anything, but making large amounts of TBT requires you to either sell something valuable or write many very long posts which takes a lot of creativity and thought. Meanwhile if I just show up at work for x amount of hours I get paid without thinking too hard about it.
Can we have a petition to make TBT into a Cryptocurrency?

I'd be rich if it was :)
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Honestly real life money cause I got a work, if I'd want to earn that amount in TBT I would probably have to go against the rules, so no.
If we don’t consider transfer equivalence (Im assuming 1tbt is not worth 1$), and only consider which one is easier, definitely TBT because I can just lay in bed and make 100x threads or reply to them. There’s not really any skills associated with it besides for the events. Meanwhile for jobs there needs to be a reason they hire you & it’s often tiring if you work retail and stuff
Work. It's faster to make rlc for me than TBT.
Definitely real life money. I don’t post a whole bunch in threads where I can make TBT, and I also don’t go out of my way to earn TBT in other ways (such as opening a shop or providing a service).
uhhh I guess it's faster getting RL money for me but I wouldn't say it's easier, my job involves a lot of physical labour meanwhile making posts/selling stuff on TBT involves 0. Coincidentally it's my job that leaves me with no time to do anything that might make me some tbt (aka art) :lemon:
Definitely real life money. I don’t post a whole bunch in threads where I can make TBT, and I also don’t go out of my way to earn TBT in other ways (such as opening a shop or providing a service).

Same. Sometimes I post a lot in the AC forum trying to do quality posts, or in Brewster if I feel like I can reply but yeah that's it.
I'd say, neither.
I don't post a lot aside from the need for trades because I don't have enough time to for that. Besides posting around, there are some ways but making tbt by selling in-game stuff when it's only like 1 or 2 tbt per item, it's not easy to make big bells. Then, I don't like collectible trades (I mean, selling) and I don't sell villagers, so.
While, making real money couldn't be "easy" when you're supposed to afford and pay everything yourself + 3 people + 2 fur families both have chronic and severe disease that eats bucks like hell. >.>
So, it's neither, to me.
It?s sad to say that it?s easier for me to earn TBT than real money. Not to say that I?m not earning any though.
I'd say it's easier for me to earn TBT. While I certainly earn more real money from going to work every day, my job is very stressful and demanding. In fact, most jobs I've had are extremely stressful for me due to social anxiety and I can't seem to find anything that doesn't require much human interaction. So even though I don't earn as much TBT, I do find it much easier and if I didn't have to go to work and could spend more time on the forums, I'd probably be able to earn even more TBT.
Real money because I?m not active enough on the forum to make a lot of tbt

However, when New Horizons comes out it might be a different story
It depends. If you are really talented and active on here, you could make a lot of tbt, but sadly I'm not good at making art or any other creative thing and I try to do the best I can to be active on here, but making tbt is soo slow. As for real money, same thing. You gotta be real good at your job or just about anything to have a job, but it's still a lot of work. :/

So yeah, it depends. :)
Sadly, I think it's easier to get TBT.

I hope that'll change soon, because I'm planning to apply for more jobs. Really hoping I can land one.