Depends on who they are or what they did. If it was something really bad, then the way I look a them changes. I can forgive eventually but whatever we had before can't be regained.
For the most part, I forgive if I'm given a couple of hours to think everything through. I'll usually have the entire argument in my head and once I'm convinced that I would win the argument, I'll forgive them and move past whatever happened. Might be a little petty but I don't lose friendships over arguments so it works, I guess.
I have forgiven people who definitely don't deserve it. Giving them hundreds of chances and a still surprised when they end up screwing me over again. Forgiveness is my weakness, and it's not a good weakness.
I don't really have the energy to stay mad at everyone who wronged me, so I just move on but never forget what happened. If a person apologizes and goes out of their way to make it up to me, then I'll immediately forgive them and forget it easily.
Not really, but I'm trying to work on not holding onto the anger. I'm never going to forgive someone who it isn't safe for me to be around, but even then I'm trying to let go of actually feeling angry at them, and I'm trying to work harder to forgive people who are good for me to be around in the long term.
I don't get mad very easily. If I happen to get mad over something small, I forgive very quickly. But if a person really hurt me, I will act friendly towards them but never fully forgive them for what they did (unless they show that they have really changed, which has not happened yet in my life :eyes: )
I put "Yes" but "It's not hard" wouldn't be my reason. My reason for forgiving others is because I don't see a point in holding a grudge against someone. Plus when I see someone, my first thought isn't about what they've done in their past, or even then I don't really think or remember anout someone's actions ever. So yeah I guess it's just hard for me to actually not be forgivable because of how I am.
I do, yes. It's a curse because it's put me in a lot of really dangerous situations and gets me taken advantage of a lot. Don't ask me how or why I forgive people so easily, I don't know.
I tend to forgive really easily even if a person has wronged me more than once. It probably happens since I'm afraid they'll give me even more trouble if I don't forgive them so I often just end up trying to prevent further trouble. To me it's very hard to say no in certain situations; I just don't have the heart to tell anyone that I'm not going to forgive them if they've already apologized.
I used to be a very forgiving person. Someone did something wrong, then they'd just have to apologize and I'd forgive them. Now, however, once someone does something wrong -- something big, mind you -- I begin to consider them as bad. I think this is because I've come to the realization that people can lie about being sorry and that has rendered apologies useless in my mind. I now expect people to prove to me that they are sorry via their actions. Not very many have. I am working hard to be a more positive and forgiving person, though.
I?m actually more forgiving of strangers than I am of people I know.
With strangers I can easily forgive little things because I don?t know them well and can always assume the best in them. I try to operate out of tinge mindset that people are all just trying their best.
However with people who I know well and know for a fact we?re trying to hurt me and who aren?t even more difficult but I?m working on it.
It?s just draining to hold onto a grudge. I?m tired of letting them hold power over me. I?m trying my best to just live my life now and only focus only on my actions and things I can control, not on others actions which I can?t do anything about.