Pokémon Do you give nicknames to your Pokemon?

when i started Y i was going to be like 'YEA NICKNAME ALL THE POKEMON'
only nicknamed my starter (sachiko) and a fletchling-turned-talonflame (twig).
The only nickname I've given was my long-sought after shiny absol in a dusk ball.
All the time. Funny to see the oddest and weirdest names in online matches with friends =P
I do and I'm ashamed in a few of them.
However every vaporeon since D/P has been named 'Zora' and I still have mine from B/W.
I only really give nicknames to those I intend to have in my party, it just feels a bit more personal and I often get more attached to them...
I'll occasionally give nicknames to random Pokemon if one pops into my mind (I always have a Ditto with a name like 'Baby Machine') but if they're just going into the box to never be used, I rarely do. There's no way I'm thinking of 718 individual names.

My only 'permanent names' are those for Pokemon I have in my team in every version (if possible).
Female Luxray - Gizmo
Female Houndoom - Jazz
Female Mawile - Talim
Female Pidgeot - Kit (or Kitsunisa)

I don't really have a permanent 5th or 6th member.
Back when I was a kid in the earlier games, yes. Now I'm just too lazy to bother thinking of anything creative. The only Pok?mon in my OR I've named was my cosplay Pikachu. I called her Madoka and I guess that was a pretty obvious and typical name.
I nickname my competitively bred stuff, like good ol' Bripolap the Treecko.

I don't even attempt to give sensical nicknames.
i rarely nickname mine. i've been trying to do it more because it's gotten boring not to. i'm just bad with names so i didn't bother before ;;
I don?t give nicknames to my Pokemon. I never understood why people do. I prefer the names they were already given. The most I do with their name is change it so it?s gramato correct. For example, if it?s in all capital letters like ?CROCONAW.?
Then, I would change it to ?Croconaw?
Lol I remember my Black version and naming my Tepig (and all the evolutions after that) TEP and my Sawk SAW :\ oh well xD