I live in Detroit, and I hate it, if it was more like a Canadian I would like it
The U.S.A has always fought on the side of freedom, and peace would be non-existent without the nation. lol.
I hate how Americans think they live in "America". You don't live in America, you live in the USA, lol
Peace would be non-existent? I wouldn't say so since the USA is always getting involved in wars.
It's not the country, it's the people running it. Open your eyes.
As a nation, we've just taken one step forward, and three giant steps back into the 1950s. SMH.
A bit extreme there. No one's rights are being taken away.
I think America's great, I love this place. Yeah it's got problems but there's no perfect country. America really isn't as bad as people say. We aren't the devil, really, lol
Oh boy...yes I hate the USA for one reason.
You have this creature called "Perez Hilton".
No but seriously, I hate the US but I like it at the same time.
Why I hate it:
• The Gun Laws
• The shootings that happen WAY too often!
• The USAs two options were Hillary Clinton and Donald flipping Trump for President, WTF!
• A lot of the North American accents I've heard are obnoxious.
• North Americans are really loud compared to people over here, but I don't blame you.
• Its existence/involvement/ power.
• Your Politicians.
• You have a lot of annoying Celebrities who are relevent for almost no reason
• Your healthcare laws.
I can name a lot more but I think you get the point.
I'm not basically saying it makes you "legally loud" at all.what's up with the "you are loud" thing again
that's so stereotypical + when you say Americans you also include the people who weren't born there but have a citizenship like me so in conclusion pretty much you are saying anyone who lives there legally is loud, which when you think about it sounds absurd