Do you have a good sense of direction?

not at all.. whenever im out with my cousins they never let me out of their sight because i get lost so easily LOL. my sense of direction is so bad, the first time i took a bus that was supposed to take me 1h 40m to get home, it ended up taking like 8 hours 😭
Sadly no 😔 I get teased for it. I'm not the best, but also not the worst irl, but in video games I'm actually horrible HAH
I have ZERO sense of direction. My hubs always makes fun of me for it 😂😂😂
Nope, unfortunately. Thank goodness for navigation so easily accessible in your personal cell phone these days.
really depends on the area; some places are easy to remember the first time, while others take a couple of times to fully memorize.
I am terrible at directions.
I've been lost many times
No way LMAO. i'm bad at even knowing the streets and avenues. i only know the places i've been to frequently, and by that i mean FREQUENTLY. like im worse than an average person i fear. i dont even memorize the streets of my hometown, and i've been here for over a decade 😭 i need waze/google maps or else i will get absolutely lost
I'm afraid I do not. If I didn't have my GPS for driving, I'd be doomed. In games, I frequently get lost and have to have someone help me, else I wander around until I finally reach somewhere.
nope not at all! i've lived in the same city for majority of my life and i still find myself relying on my maps application on my phone a lot if i'm going somewhere new or somewhere i don't go often to! i'm also the type of person who will use the same route to get to a destination and don't like to change it. so i get really flustered if a road is closed or something and i have to take a different route. it sends me into a bit of a tizzy but i'll usually find somewhere to park and then open the the map app and recalibrate myself ;u;
Nope. I get hopelessly lost way too easily. If I’m somewhere familiar I’m fine but anywhere new I can have trouble just simply going back the way I came at times. 😅
I am really bad with directions and get lost very easily. If I have to drive somewhere unfamiliar I will plot out my route on google maps and do a virtual drive through. I really should get a satnav.
I have a decent sense of direction! I can still get lost sometimes, but I'm good at remembering my route/landmarks, and sometimes I've had surprisingly good intuition for the direction of things over long distances. It kind of makes sense to me because my dad is super good with directions and my mom, bless her heart, is not lmao.
Absolutely not. I will remember specific points as I pass by them but I will not know how to get there. If I don't check my GPS all the time I immediately forget where I'm supposed to go.
No, my sense of direction is abysmal. When driving I'd have to go to places in practice multiple times to give me piece of mind before actually needing to be there.
at my job and surrounding areas yes i know the whole zip code like the back of my hand
beyond that?? i really suck LOL i can be going to places on the reggie and still be like huuuuuuh? how do i get there??
i'm so over reliant on maps its crazy i hate it