Do you have a second villager of the same personality as one of your favorite villagers?

I have 2 permanent normals, Fauna and Molly, and 2 permanent snooty villagers, Judy and Diana. It can be annoying when their dialogue blends into one but I love them all so couldn't let any of them go. I've also just invited Lolly to my island so will have a 3rd normal (though not permanently) and at some point I want Freya and Vivian which will be extra snooty villagers, though I won't have them at the same time.

I'd had 2 smug (Raymond and Marshall) and 2 lazy (Sherb and Beau) villagers for a long time too but then I went to just having Raymond and Sherb, picked up another smug (Kyle) recently but I'll just be sticking to 1 lazy as I don't like their dialogue as much usually.
Hey, nice one on having both Lolly and Mitzi, personally I think those two are the cutest normal villagers! Still actually debating on having Mitzi as my 10th villager, as I have Lolly already.
Quick question, does Mitzi wear glasses a lot? I see her wearing them all the time in pictures I see of her in NH, was just curious if what situations she wears them.
(Also, Carmen is awesome, just wanted to tell you your villagers are cool.)

I think she will wear glasses every now and then but not all the time. It might be due to her having education of a hobby. Poppy is the same way. I guess I haven't paid attention enough to actually say how often it is though.
Two of my most favorite villagers are Tabby and Bangle. It doesn’t bother me to have both of them, in part because I like the peppy personality a lot, and in part because in my head they are very different characters. I know this is largely my imagination filling in the blanks, but in part that is the positive side of having the villagers be less directly developed.

tabby is my loveable *****/ philosopher. She drinks too much caffeine and gets caught in word play loops and is exploding with energy. She wants to mentor the lazies, but it is unclear whether this will be helpful or result in chaos. She’s got big ideas and big dreams and big enthusiasm.

Bangle is my sweet helper. She’d be president of the resident board if we had one. She participates in everything and is that friend who is always your number one fan no matter what. She’s a big dreamer, whole heart, all-in type.

I know it seems kind of silly, but it does make it very easy to love them both. In a way the actual dialogue they have matters less because my brain sort of filters to the parts that fit my story and fills in richer details than the game ever would. (In actuality tabby and bangle are the same peppy subtype too)

I love my two little tiger stripe girls 🥰
I think Hans might have to leave my island.
Quillson, although new to my island, has fast become one of my all time favourite villagers and I want his dialogue to remain his own always.

I dont know though.
YES! Drago is my fav and on my island I have: Zucker, Stitches, Lucky, Erik and Cranston.

I am super fine with multiple lazies because their dialogue is more tolerable than others
I don't mind. Dom is my absolute favorite villager and is the only villager that is on both of my islands (not sure how permanent that is, but for now I'm pretty okay with it), but I also have Genji on my first island. They feel different enough for me that it isn't a big deal, maybe partly because of how different their aesthetics / behavior are?
After saying all this, I have now realized the greatness that is Judy after seeing her. Which if I were to somehow get that lucky and find her, it would put me at 3 snootys. Man, I can certainly see how some people rack up similar personality types a lot now haha.
Yes I had two of the same. I adore Lopez he’s my favourite villager ever and I also had Raymond. But because I love Lopez so much I don’t think I really connected to Raymond as he was just a copy of Lopez due to the repetitive dialogue it did get annoying after awhile
i have a tendency to have clusters of the same personality; right now i have 2 peppies, 3 uchis and 3 lazies. the repetitive dialogue can definitely get annoying after a while but since they’re some of my favourite villagers, i’m able to look past it for the most part. :’)
Yes but that's only because after a lot of trial and error I decided Sisterly and Normal are the easiest ones for me to have duplicates of without feeling like they are less special.

That being said I talk to my least favorite of both dupe sets waaaay less than my favored one. I really wish there were enough personalities that we didn't have to have dupes if we didn't want to.
Wolfgang is my favorite villager. He will never leave and I will never have another cranky villager. Some of the the things he says remind me of my grandpa, so he has a very special place in my heart. This might sound a tad dramatic, but I think it would be somewhat traumatizing to witness dialogue being recycled by another villager. So even though there are some other Crankies that are cute and the personality is technically my favorite, it's just me and Wolfgang. Always.

I usually have two lazy boys on whatever town/island I'm playing.Joey is my favorite lazy but Filbert isn't far behind.On the same island I also have my favorite peppy Tutu along with Audie.
I have one of each type on my island, but I have two peppy (Audie and Tangy) that I love and adore very much.

I also have two smug because I happened to come across Marshal and Raymond :D
I'll have probably two smugs, two crankies and two normals in the future. I love these three personalities the most! Smug are quite funny with their arrogance, crankies too because they are complaining all the time (like me!) and normals are quite cute! They are not my favorite however but the villager's design is generally nice and sweet! And of course some of them are my favorite: Fang/Wolfgang I love equally and Marshal the cutest thing in this world.
And Fauna I just cannot let her go. Never. NEVER. She's so sweet and adorable! How can I let her being voided if no one needs her?
I have two jocks (Tybalt and Rod) and two Lazies (Doc and Elmer). They all different subtypes from each other and I actual noticed a difference, particularly with my Lazies. I love jocks, so I like having Tybalt and Rod around. They're different enough that it's never an issue and I think it's cute to have both a big, strong Jock and a tiny one. :)

Elmer and Doc are also different enough that it never bothers me. Elmer seems more mature than Doc and doesn't really talk at all about bugs, which is nice. :p
Sure, I have both Raymond and Shep at the same time. I like smug personality so much! Many of my favorite villagers have it. If I could have more of my favorites, I'd have a whole island with smug or snooty personality lol - but yeah always the same dialogues sounds boring
i have two lazy and two smug villagers who're all my favorites so i don't mind! i find that when the villagers don't look that similar (i.e. a horse and a squirrel) i don't notice the dialogue being the same so much