Do you have violent appliances?


In Colorado, under my cats rule.
Jan 21, 2023
Throwback Tickets
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I have never once had a clothes washer that doesn't get a little angry during the spin cycle and bang the walls.

So I was thinking, what malfunctioning appliances do you have, or have had over time?

I once had a coffee maker that would burn the coffee pot before I could pour a second cup. I couldn't afford a new maker, so I took my chances with electrical issues and just made some coffee and poured a cup and turned it off. I would turn it back on for a minute to reheat the cofee, and pour my second cup. The anxiety was sort of awful 😖
There's a slight tear in my computer charger that's exposing the wire. I feel it's going to explode on me. I'm procrastinating on getting a new one.

I messed with that too long my PS4 charger. Eventually I plugged it in and sparks flew out.
My home has a washing machine that bumps, rattles and screeches and I'm sure it would shuffle out the door if it could.
I lived in a house before that had a history of appliances randomly turning on. The washing machine often did that when we lived there. I don't remember other appliances doing that, but supposedly other kinds did when other people lived there.
Also someone died in that house which doesn't help with the creepiness. I think it was a relative of the land lord's.
I'd consider this kind of activity as violent appliance activity.
Our kitchen inexplicably has a dark brown metal fan affixed to the ceiling, and when you turn the fan on, it wobbles as it spins and makes alarming sounds.

It’s been like this for six years, so I don’t know whether anything is actually wrong—but whenever it’s on, I walk through the kitchen half-ducking just in case it flies off the mount and spins across the room like a ninja star to chop somebody in half.
I have never once had a clothes washer that doesn't get a little angry during the spin cycle and bang the walls.

So I was thinking, what malfunctioning appliances do you have, or have had over time?

I once had a coffee maker that would burn the coffee pot before I could pour a second cup. I couldn't afford a new maker, so I took my chances with electrical issues and just made some coffee and poured a cup and turned it off. I would turn it back on for a minute to reheat the cofee, and pour my second cup. The anxiety was sort of awful 😖
I used to have a washing machine like that when I was a kid. Well my parents. It sounded like some WW2 plane held together with a few screws and barely keeping together over Normandy lol.

I used to have a weed-whacker that was a refurbished and the original on-off switch was missing/replace with some generic one that didn't have any indication of what was on and off. So sometimes I remembered and got it started other times I second guessed myself and flooded it :cry:
our box fan used to make the loudest and most horrendous noise ever when it would run lol. couldn't even use it for a while there. but my dad fixed it and now it's okay, he put the demons to rest 😂
we used to have a washer that would absolutely lose it on the last few spin cycles 😭 it would shake so violently if you didn’t strategically make the wash loads smaller. eventually it started to leak water so we’ve replaced it since
I once had a touch lamp just randomly short itself out one day while it was on. The strange part is that it wasn’t even touching or near anything that could cause it to do that and it was my grandma’s lamp for over ten years and caused no issues and was my aunt’s before my grandma had it. Growing up the dishwasher would always leak a lot of water every time we ran it. And when I say a lot, I mean it took five or six towels to dry the floor.
I had a toaster that wanted to send my toasts to the outer space.
A dishwasher that flooded the floor a few times.
A washing machine that banged the walls.
An alarm clock that screeched
A vacuum that caught on fire
Lamps that turned on and off by themselves
TV that changed of channels by itself (didn't get that one)
Ppl think my house is haunted.
One day our house began flashing and shaking, so I got out my bat and at that moment I was attacked by my bedside lamp. After I SMAAAASHED!! it until it stopped moving, I went to the next room and our doll drew near.

After it suffered damage of 20 I decided to CHECK it and inside the doll, I spotted an old music box. As I wound it up, a melody began to play.

I remembered the tune.
I had a toaster that wanted to send my toasts to the outer space.
A dishwasher that flooded the floor a few times.
A washing machine that banged the walls.
An alarm clock that screeched
A vacuum that caught on fire
Lamps that turned on and off by themselves
TV that changed of channels by itself (didn't get that one)
Ppl think my house is haunted.

One day our house began flashing and shaking, so I got out my bat and at that moment I was attacked by my bedside lamp. After I SMAAAASHED!! it until it stopped moving, I went to the next room and our doll drew near.

After it suffered damage of 20 I decided to CHECK it and inside the doll, I spotted an old music box. As I wound it up, a melody began to play.

I remembered the tune.
Starting to feel a mocking theme here. Have fun with it.
Starting to feel a mocking theme here. Have fun with it.
I'm sorry but I was serious, all those things happened, ok the toaster just throw my toasts in the air not really reaching the space but it's just a way of talking. The rest is just common things, electrical problems and all.