Never have put regular slice loaf breading a fridge or freezer, but if I did live alone I could see myself putting it in the freezer since one person eating a loaf before it expires might be a bit much, for me. Unless it's artisan/fresh baked bread, that gets eaten ASAP.
I haveee a bread box. For the bread we don't use, we freeze until we need it. But I've never heard of putting bread in the fridge..? o-o I've always had it in a bread box.
I know my mum and dad keep their bread and baked stuff in a bread bin on the kitchen unit. I used to keep bread in my fridge because it took so long to get through the whole loaf - and I believed it would stay fresher in the fridge. However, I now eat so little bread that I keep a small loaf in the freezer and take slices out for defrosting whenever it's needed.
We bake bread ourselves in my family. Because the loafs are quite big we tend to freeze half and take it out again once we need it. When freezing the bread when it's fresh it still tastes really good after unfreezing. We never freeze "old" (so several days old) bread because stale bread will stay stale. The other half of the bread stays on the kitchen counter wrapped in a clean cloth.
On the rare occasion when we buy toast we keep it in the fridge because it condenses weirdly in the plastic bag if left outside. All other bread stays out of the fridge.
My parents live in different houses (they're divorced) and they both do it differently with the bread, my dad keeps his bread in a cabinet, and my mom keeps her bread in the fridge/freezer. Personally I'm on the side of keeping it in a cabinet, because I've never experienced bread that goes bad as quickly as those who say they have to put bread in the fridge/freezer, plus whenever I eat fridge/freezer bread, it has almost no flavor or texture and it'll be all cold and firm, I don't like it one bit. Supposedly bread in the fridge/freezer lasts longer but someone already mentioned the whole moisture thing on this thread, and that would make sense to me tbh so bread in the cabinet it is.
I've never heard of keeping bread in the fridge before! We keep our bread in a bread bin, on the counter, or in the freezer if it's close to expiring or if we just have way too much bread to get through at the time.