Do you like decorating?

I like decorating and displaying things on shelves. I collect music boxes and I want to eventually be able to display and rotate my collection through the year. I do have a couple things hanging up on the walls in my living room as decoration and they look nice even though they aren’t matching theme.
i love decorating! i'm obsessed with having things be aesthetically pleasing to me and creating nice colour palettes. plus it's a great way to express yourself.
I haven't really gotten the opportunity to actually decorate. Everything is a mess... So, I have no idea. The thought of trying to fix it is too anxiety inducing, as well.
I love decorating in AC and I love decorating in real life, I'd love it even more if I could afford better furniture.. and my own house
I love decorating! I try to keep my room cozy and filled with things that make me happy. I have lots of art and knick knacks and I like to decorate with the books, records, and games I have. I still live with family so I'm kinda confined to decorating my own room and I don't have the space or money to do much with furniture, but one day soon I hope my girlfriend and I can live out our Ikea dreams.
Not really, I like my stuff to be always at the same place, easy to reach, dislike useless stuff gathering dust...although I have some figurines or stuff like that... hmm...
I like seeing others decorating though
yeah but also no. i like to do it but i prefer to do it over time rather than having a plan, otherwise i get stressed trying to keep it perfect.
yeah but also no. i like to do it but i prefer to do it over time rather than having a plan, otherwise i get stressed trying to keep it perfect.
Yeah it depends on what it is. Like I don't mind putting stuff out for holidays, but it's a pita to do that all on one day and then pack it back up.

I also prefer to be minimalist. So too much clutter whether decorations or just stuff being unorganized bothers me. It also doesn't help that I grew up with hoarders and so that kind of stuff drives me up the wall. Do you really need 50 tape measures. Well what if one of them breaks? Then keep five and donate the rest. You can never use all of those in your life time.
i love to decorate but only if it's also something practical. i don't really put up seasonal decor but i'm constantly changing out furniture, art and other little accents as my needs change.
i love decorating but the problem is that i need money to do it 😭 i try to make my room as cozy as possible. that’s part of the reason why i love AC games so much.