Do you like it when people correct you?

Honestly, my first instinct when someone corrects me is to defend myself. I have a bad tendency to take even the smallest things personally, and being corrected often makes me feel ridiculously embarrassed, stupid and like I’m being attacked, even though logically I know that that isn’t true. It’s a really immature mindset, one that I’ve been working on for years to overcome. I no longer act on my feelings and take corrections as the opportunities to learn that they are rather than attacks, though I admittedly still feel like a dummy whenever someone has to correct me about something. 😅

It really depends on the situation though, and how the person goes about correcting me. I have a tendency to get words mixed up (ex. simultaneously and spontaneously), so a lot of my corrections have to do with that. It’s also usually me doing the correcting, once I realize that I used the wrong word. I sometimes get corrected on game knowledge, movie/tv show knowledge, memories that I’m misremembering, random facts etc as well, all of which is fine. If I’m remembering something wrong, getting a fact about something wrong and/or am accidentally spreading false information (never anything harmful/hurtful! It’s usually something like saying you can’t do something in a game that you actually can), then I want to be corrected. I just ask that the person doing the correcting does so politely and/or privately, rather than doing it in front of a bunch of people or chiding/making fun of me. The latter would embarrass me and make me feel awful, and that shouldn’t be what genuinely trying to educate/correct someone is about.

Though, if I‘m being corrected about something that doesn’t really matter or is blatantly obvious, then I’m not as appreciative of it. For example, I have IBS, which causes my stomach to hurt at least once a day. When I used to talk to my mom about it, she would nitpick me and say “it’s not your tummy that hurts, it’s your intestines”, like…? 🫠 ”My stomach/tummy hurts” is a universal saying. Given the context, my mom knew what I was talking about, so I don’t see why nitpicking me when I was in pain was necessary lol
I have to admit, I cringe at historical inaccuracies, like media where Marie Antoinette has a French accent, or people wholeheartedly believing that George Washington had wooden teeth. But you know…I’m not going to say in front of everyone, “That’s so inaccurate.” because I don’t want to bring down the mood.

It depends on what is being corrected, I guess. I don’t like it if people are being petty like Dwight Schrute’s “False!” But if they are teaching me something helpful, like a life skill or giving helpful, constructive feedback on some work I did, I think that’s fair. I wouldn’t say I like it, but I appreciate it.
I really don’t mind it if the other person gives me insight that I don’t have or if I have facts incorrect. My autism makes things hard for me to know if I accidentally say something incorrectly and I prefer it when people let me know when I a, wrong and why I am so that I can correct my mistake.
Sometimes. Time and place matters. If it were at a setting like my job, then I would appreciate learning how to do something the right way. Especially since I’m still in the “unconsciously inept” phase and have much to learn.

The times where I hate it are when my older siblings correct me on something. Especially my Spanish. Their “advice” often comes unsolicited, and during a time where I can’t just stop and write it down to memorize. In the end, I just end up feeling stressed out.
Not really, especially if it implies I don't know the thing. I almost exclusively use English in my freetime, so it kinda took a priority in my brain. Sometimes I use the english spelling of a word and my ex would always correct my spelling. Who cares how correctly someone types in a messenger app.
Unless they're being cocky and trying to make me look bad, I don't mind whatsoever.

I'd rather not go around saying incorrect stuff like an idiot. lol
I guess it really depends. If it's done to educate and not be a jerk then sure. But also if someone thinks they know, but they're misinforming me then no. Especially if I know better anyway. It's one thing to correct/educate someone it's another thing to try to do that to someone who has way more experience and knows what they are talking about. So many people think they're a professional these days and their input is invaluable when it's not.
I have just been corrected by someone. I remembered this thread so I really paid attention to how it made me feel, so I could remember it and reply here later. Which is what I'm doing now. So basically I neither liked nor disliked being corrected, I felt absolutely no emotion about it at all, it seemed to just be something that was occuring.

In fairness I don't think this one quite counts, because they were wrong to correct me, since I was right. If and when someone ever manages to correct me about something I was wrong about I will try to gauge my feeling on that, see if it's different.
It depends on the context. I am usually the corrector. I have found people find it annoying and I have done it in not-so-great ways. So, I tend to let things go better now, or only correct if its super relevant to the situation. Most people prefer to believe their own reality and live in ignorance, I can't change that.

I don't mind be corrected if people do it in a nice, non-offensive way. If someone is a being a jerk about it, they can relax. Though, maybe it's karma for me being an over-corrector in the past.
depends tbh. i tend to get a bunch of stuff incorrect so i do appreciate when someone corrects me on it. helps me a lot.
but like most people in the thread have said, if it's done in a condescending and malicious way, then obviously i don't like it.
i really hate it when people do it repetitively though. i can't stand that at all.
Depends! I appreciate it when I'm trying to learn and someone offers help/corrections. I think it's annoying when I don't need help or am approaching something in a different way but get "corrected." Most of the time in my experience, people who want to correct me are also speaking and looking down on me and see me as their inferior... and I'm not here for that. So when someone offers tips/corrections in a respectful and non-shamey way, I appreciate it all the more.
Ugh...I can't stand it if someone corrects me if it's something like grammar. I mean, like, semantics, eh? No big deal, haha. I'm a bigger picture kind of person, so I don't correct people on wording or grammar when they're trying to communicate an idea. I just try to focus on the idea they're trying to get across. Sometimes it can feel like if someone is focused on the grammar/wording details, they aren't paying attention to the overall picture being conveyed.

I can see correcting something if it's entirely wrong, of course, I don't mind that, but if it's just wording or small things that don't matter, pfft, no need.
There's a certain way to go about this. Correcting in a light or joking way can even be endearing to me. Constantly doing it or for the sake of being argumentative is a mood killer.

As many have said, being wrong is okay. It doesn't mean anyone wants condescension.
I only like being corrected when its the correct time and place and the intentions behind the correcting are without any motive. The corrections should also be justified. I'll correct myself immediately if I see something wrong and I know the correction is for to help me.
i agree with many others on this post, it all depends on the delivery of the correction. if people are kind and gentle about it and genuinely want to teach me something, i'm totally happy to hear it. i'm not a fan of when people try to put you in a "gotcha!" situation where they kinda try to ridicule you, that's just not nice at all imo....
Depends. If they interrupt what I’m saying to correct me with something besides pertinent details or critical information then it’s kinda annoying, but that’s mostly because being interrupted is a pet peeve. In the general sense I don’t mind being corrected, although I can’t recall that it’s happened often besides with one particular person, who likes to challenge me on nearly anything I say even though they always end up being wrong when we look it up. I don’t know how someone can take so many L’s and just keep going…… 🙏 Lol

Also I’ve never actually known someone who corrects people’s grammar in real life, but if I did I would shoo them away with a broom.
I'm usually the one that does the correcting than so it is me being corrected from what i find and if its with someone on my friendslist its firm and frank but at least a modicum of positive feedback to it like say making a layout or forum set and it doesnt suit them well i just ask them to tweak it or mayhaps choose another series that suits them best.

I actually take feedback well tho on the otherhand if its warranted since i rather keep things 50-50 when it comes to give and take.
Assuming it’s in good faith,

not gonna lie, I get really embarrassed, but I do ultimately prefer it. I think it’s better to learn something new and then I know better for next time.

But yeah, it’s tough for me to get through that initial wave of shame like “oh god I said something dumb out loud…”