Really enjoy mint chocolate but I have to be in the right mood to fancy it. Mint choc chip ice cream is also good and a nice treat, but overall mint isn’t one of my favourite flavours.
I like it in most sweets! (Peppermint especially; it's easily my favorite mint variety by far.) I'm not a huge fan of mint chocolate chip ice cream though—I like a little mint with my chocolate, not a little chocolate with my mint. I haven't had any savory dishes with mint in them so I'm not sure how I'd feel about it there.
I have been conditioned to associate mint/peppermint with non-edible things like toothpaste, mouthwash, etc, so I can't stand mint with anything edible, feels wrong. The closest I can get to finding it acceptable is with a mint julep, but I would never order that for myself when I could have something tastier!
I think Mint is probably one of my favorite frequencies and tastes. Mint chocolate ice cream is a slight esception, but thats just because Im not a huge fan of ice cream. All the other mint flavored products have been ok in my book, very yummy.
Now Mint the squirrel is cute, but I love mu my little Mint Bunny more. It was one of my name susgestions
Yes. Sweet mint tastes better than peppermint. Sweet mint tastes good as a candy and on most confectionery. Mint also smells good as a candle. I like getting the eucalyptus mint candles from Bath & Body Works.
Yeah I like it, though it depends on what it's in. I really love the thin mints (dark chocolate with a mint filling). I also like those thin mint cookies, but I haven't had them in a long time now that I think about it...
I LOVE mint! Peppermint is my favorite flavor and scent and I get so excited when October rolls around because that is the start of peppermint flavor season.
minty things make me think of gum and toothpaste so not really? i also hate it when it's paired up in sweets like chocolate. i don't really like peppermint either and will usually opt out for a candy/different flavoured candy cane come winter time. i only really use mint in teas if i'm feeling sick or feel a cold coming on in the winter time.