Do you like the Kangaroo villagers? 🦘

i do, actually! they’re not my favourite species but i’m quite fond of walt and marcie. :’)
I like the kangaroos! And the anteaters for that matter... Walt is great! I'm thinking of doubling up on crankies and making him Dobie's neighbor--the sweet, grumpy old man club. The joeys don't bother me, they make the kangaroos different from other bipeds, though I wish they all had names of their own. I guess I understand why they put some people off, but I think they're pretty cute~ Marcie and Kitt would be my picks from among the girls.
I like the Kangaroos, though they're not one of my favorite species. I personally like that the joeys copy their mothers' movements, I find it cute and fun. I have Astrid in one of my New Leaf towns and Walt in a different New Leaf town, and at one point years ago I had Rooney before replacing him with a different villager who fit the town's theme. Those three and Mathilda are the ones I like; I'm indifferent to the rest of them, except for Marcie whose design I just flat out don't like.
I don't have any kangaroos on my island, but I had Mathilda and Kitt in my NL town and loved both.

I think they're fun.
Ive never had one, but I think they are adorable! Im not sure what they're name is. But they are white, with a star over an eye
I love the female kangaroos. I think their little Joey are adorable and I like to set up little spots in their yards for toys and such as if their wee one would come outside and play. :)
I like the males, but not the females.

There is just something off-putting about two faces emoting in unison at me.
I love Walt best but I've also had Mathilda and Astrid. I like them. I think the joeys are cute but it's weird that they never get to grow up and be out of the pouch.
I never really gave them much thought until people started saying the baby thing was creepy. I agree but I don't hate them. I think if there was one with a cute enough design, I'd like them but so far the ones I've seen haven't really been my cup of tea.
Never had one as a permanent resident, and I agree that the babies being completely in sync with their mom is kinda weird. Aside from that, I don't really mind them and I don't love them - none of them are particularly well-designed though, imo.
I think they're cute. My personal favorites are Walt and Kitt but I have no problem with the female kangaroos' babies. I think it's a cute design choice.
I think they are cute but I do agree with the idea that the babies should move on their own. It's a little weird how they copy the mother's movements exactly like they do.
I really only like Mathilda and Walt, but not enough to move them in. not really. None of them really stand out to me. Their designs are weird. The Cranky Kangroos are the only ones that don't have the baby in their pouches while most of the other ones do. I find it weird how whenever you talk to them the baby copies the same reaction. I am not too keen on the Kangroos thats the same way I think of the Lions, Bears, Tigers, Rhinos, and the Mice. They have very weird designs and they don't really stand out so well.
I dislike everything about them. Maybe (maaaybe) I can get behind the male ones - Walt looks kinda cool but the females with their tiny creepy babies freak me out. I also have a personal conflict with Sylvia since she moved right in front of my house in my NL town and refused to leave for like half a year *shakes fist angrily*. Real life kangaroos are neat, don't get me wrong. I just wouldn't go out of my way to move one to my island, not even for free and not even if someone payed me to take one. 🙅‍♀️
Kangaroos are ok. I mean, I like Astrid and Sylvia but there are other villagers I'd rather have. It is also awkward that items float infront of their baby's head. telekinesis baby powers
I also think that perhaps the baby is their ego id or something since they share the same expressions.
ive never had a kangaroo villager either; not even one in any of the games. i think that some of them are cute and designed well so id probably have on my island/town if i ever were to get a second copy. however, as i have a set list of dreamies, i don’t plan on swapping any of them out ever, and seeing as though you need a whole new switch just to get another island, i don’t think im ever going to have them unless i get a new copy of new leaf i suppose.