Do you like your name? Would you want to change it?

My name, Sakura, is an incredibly common given name for girls in my home country of Japan. But, all the same, I'm rather fond of it.
I think it's nice. I didn't like it when I was little, probably because I went through a particularly boyish phase and didn't like my full name, but now I can appreciate how feminine it is and I'm okay with it. I still mostly go by a shortened version, usually around my friends and family. Sometimes I forget what it sounds like for people to address me by my full name.
I love my name but no one ever wants to say the whole thing. It's Anastacia, when I tell people they look overwhelmed like 'can I just call you Ana??' haha I don't mind though :blush:
my name is aimee.

i used to hate it because of it not being spelled like "amy" and i thought it would be cool to meet someone with the same name as me. and it is! but i've learned over the years to embrace its uniqueness, and i've also learned that "aimee" is the feminine french word for "beloved." isn't that cool?

i absolutely loathe my middle name though. it's marie. how awfully boring and uncreative could you get? i wish my middle name was the name of a flower, like rose or lily.
My real name is Megan and at first I was annoyed with it because there was always another Megan in my class in elementary. I got so used to writing Megan and then the first letter of my last name. It was crazy when I didn't write it like that. Now I love it cause I like the sound of it and all the nicknames I get called from it. C: