Do you perfer reading or listening to books?

reading, the few times i've tried an audio book i just find my attention start to drift, i'll go on my phone or laptop and then forget to actually pay attention, which is weird because there are podcast series that i love
i definitely prefer reading. i haven’t liked audiobooks or having someone else read to me since i was very little, because similar to what you said, i have a hard time staying focused. i also enjoy reading at my own pace, which is usually faster than the pace of whoever’s reading. 😅
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I prefer reading. I have heard one audio book (it was my ex’s) that I liked — mainly because some of the chapters were read by Nathan Fillion :). I find audiobooks take away the experience from imagining what is going on, which to me is the best part of reading (unless I’m reading about a war or something more about facts). I know some people listen to them when they go to sleep, but I can’t; it like music keep me awake.
For me I prefer to read a book and have it in my hands but I like listening to autobiographies that are read by the person who wrote it. For example I have I am Spock by Leonard Nimoy and he is reading it and I love his voice. But other that very few exceptions I like to read on my own.
Books aren’t really my thing, I’ll be honest, but I’d prefer listening to them if I had to choose.
Reading. I also prefer having a physical book in my hands rather than online. If I do listen to a book though I like still having the book to follow along.
Definitely prefer to read. I find that audiobooks go too slow, and I prefer imagining character voices myself. The only audiobook I've ever listened to all the way to the end was the first Guardians of Ga'Hoole book, and that was only because my library didn't have any physical copies of any of the books in the series. I liked it, but I would have enjoyed it a lot more if I could have just read it myself.
If it's a fiction book I need to read it myself, I can't handle the audiobook. I will sometimes listen to non-fiction books in the audiobook form though.
I’m not into books at all, but I much prefer reading a physical book than listening to an audiobook or even reading an e-book. I don’t like not having anything to focus on when it’s being read—my brains starts to wander. The same applies to podcasts, too. I have to at least read a transcript of them while listening or else nothing is absorbed.
It depends on my mood. I need background noise to concentrate while for example drawing or doing chores so I like to listen to audiobooks while doing my stuff - keeps my mind occupied. I also love audiobooks before bed or to fall asleep to (although it annoys me the next day because I don't know when I drifted off and often can't find exactly where I left off). When reading by myself, my head gives each character a specific voice and I make up how they might look. I find when listening to an audiobook it takes away from my own fantasy and doesn't let me create my own images. Once I swapped back and forth between book and audio book and couldn't remember the voice I gave the character after hearing the audio book narrator. It annoyed me so much!

I love reading books but often find I don't have enough energy to pick them up. My eyes are tired from online uni all day and I don't want to keep staring at letters. I also don't like when my books get dents and folds on their back so I read extremely carefully as to preserve the binding. It's a bit exhausting. Some of my books are extremely thick and heavy to hold up for a long time. All that being said kindles or audiobooks will never be able to replace the feelings reading a book evokes in me. I react a lot more emotional to the end of books as opposed to audio books - maybe because I went on the journey at my own pace and took however long I wanted to finish. I also love picking out special editions of my favourite books and just holding them and the scent of freshly printed paper are aspects I'll forever miss when reading on a screen or listening to audios.
Definetly reading, for enjoyment.

If it’s something for work (not fun), then I’ll just let the computer read it to me in the background.
Generally I prefer reading books rather than listening because I can get through them way faster. I also am very picky about narrators - no matter how good the book is, if the person reading it has a voice that is in any way annoying or off-putting, I literally can’t listen to the book.
Reading books, and it is not even remotely close for me. I’ve loved reading since I was a child and audiobooks just don’t provide the same experience. Like I have seen others mention, it just doesn’t feel as immersive. I also prefer reading books to watching movies.

I can't listen to podcasts for the same reason I can't listen to audio books; I have to listen to someone else's voice. I much prefer to have the book in my hands, even if digital, and read it at my pace. Which is really fast.

In school I always very much disliked listening to others read outloud cause everyone else was so slow. By the time they read a paragraph I read the full page. By the time everyone else read the entire chapter, I would have almost done all of the assignment questions that came with the end of that chapter.
Reading the actual book so that if it’s good and fictional, I feel like I’m in that world, or if it’s nonfictional, I can actually understand the facts being presented and it doesn’t sound like a documentary with no visuals, lmao.

Okay, this post is still true for me, but I wanted to add to it that I read things both in my head and aloud way faster than others while still keeping reading comprehension at a high percentage. Listening to someone drone on and on through a book is just something I don’t enjoy; I would rather do it myself. I mean, at that point I should just watch said movie associated with the book or something. :LOL:
Reading. It's just faster to read than listen. Plus it is easier to pay attention if I read something rather than listen. That goes for conversations with people too and not just books. I feel kinda weird for it but, that just works for me.
I dont care about reading enough to actually do it in my spare time. It requires full concentration and I'm very much a multitasker. I'm multitasking right now.

With an audiobook I have something to listen to while I work.