Do you prefer milkshakes or slushies when it is hot?


Sep 20, 2013
I prefer slushies because milkshakes are too thick for hot weather, in my opinion. Slushies are colder, and they quench my thirst more than a milkshake does. I just prefer slushies overall.

Do you prefer milkshakes or slushies when it is hot outside?
I eat them all year, too! I just prefer slushies, especially when it’s hot out.
I don't think anything in this world tastes better than a strawberry milkshake.
Both, but milkshakes seem like a more once in a while thing while slushies could be an everyday thing. Even though they're both just as bad for you haha. I prefer ice cream or Popsicles though as a cooling off treat. Nothing's better than sitting in the pool or sprinkler with a popsicle.
I rather to have milkshake because it tastes better and I don't care what I eat when its hot. Anyways I don't even really go outside when its summer, I only go outside a lot when its fall or winter.
milkshakes!! I love the creaminess. Slushies are ok too, but sometimes they taste too sugary or artificial for me to enjoy them.
slushies because on a hot day they are not as heavy as a milkshake ! weird combo but the coke/pepsi + blueberry is amazing ;)
slushies because they are more cool and refreshing but I'd order milkshake if my stomach is empty
Depends if I'm thirsty or not. Tbh I haven't had a slushie in years, last time I had one was in Canada. Milkshakes are more of a dessert for me so I'll only pick one over an actual drink if I feel like something a bit different.
def milkshakes, they are the best aaa. slushie is just colored ice so yeah lol
Also, didn’t think about this until now, but this thread really needs a poll going for it. Lol
man I love strawberry milkshakes so I'll definitely will have to go with that
also slushies kinda get to a point where they lose flavor about midway through so it's hard to like finish them
If I got to choose, I'd always take a milkshake! Milkshakes are cold and tasty, while I've often found slushies to be a little too cold.
I'm not a huge fan of milkshakes tbh ;-; So I guess slushies (I'm assuming Slurpies count in that category c: )
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