Do you remember your first Campsite Villager? Did you like them?

In my current island I got Marshal!!! I remember almost crying when I first saw him because I was bracing for the worst. But it turned out to be my NL enemy turned bestie Marshal and it felt like fate! I couldn’t be any happier. 🥺 He’s of course still in my island up to now. Marshal and I go way back and I really can’t play the game without him in it. It’s such a relief not having to hunt for him.
Mine was Beardo, he creeped me out from the get go and somehow I accidentally invited him to live on my island but thankfully he left a few weeks later.
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i had o'hare on a previous island and then again on my current island lol. he ended up leaving because i wanted business cat, only other smugs i would ever have on my island are zell or kidd tbh.
Mine was Keaton, and I was not impressed. Luckily, I did not have to wait very long to get rid of him (I think it took a little over a week). He is one of the few villagers that I have had that I didn’t bother getting a photo of (I collect the photos of generally all my residents, current and previous, and hang them in my house).
Believe it or not, it was Raymond! I couldn't believe it, after all the hype surrounding Raymond. In fact, a lot of popular villagers seem to show up in my campsite - Judy, Coco and Molly for example (I only kept Molly, but she's gone now) - and Audie was my first mystery island villager. This means her house interior isn't the tiki bar, but I actually like her homely interior and don't want to get rid of her ever.

I had previously filled up my island very quickly with whoever I found on islands, making sure to have at least one villager per personality type, but I was more than happy to trade my only jock away if it meant I could have Raymond, with the view to get a new jock later in place of one of my duplicate personality types. It was Tank anyway, who I despise, mostly because he reminds me of someone I know irl haha, so it all worked out.

Weirdly, Tank then quietly slipped into my bf's island without him noticing. When I was visiting his island during a storm, this shadowy figure emerged from the mist and my bf was like "Who's that?!" and it was Tank. We were really confused, til he spoke to him and Tank, who recognised him, and even said "Remember me?" informed him he moved into his empty plot without saying anything. It was really spooky but amusing haha. He called him "Ghost Tank" after that and acted like he was haunting him.

Tl;dr - It was Raymond.
I think I got Klaus on this island and he is still around, though I'm hoping he'll leave soon. I don't remember who I got on my very first island though 🤔
I was super lucky and got Zell, who was my favorite smug in my New Leaf town! I felt very blessed that I got to adopt him to my island right away <3

Mine was Beardo, he creeped me out from the get go and somehow I accidentally invited him to live on my island but thankfully he left a few weeks later.
Hahaha omg Beardo is a very creepy villager IMO. I remember in New Leaf, the hair on his stomach looked awfully similar to pubic hair…plus his name rhymes with weirdo, I mean wtf was Nintendo trying to do with his design lol.
Hahaha omg Beardo is a very creepy villager IMO. I remember in New Leaf, the hair on his stomach looked awfully similar to pubic hair…plus his name rhymes with weirdo, I mean wtf was Nintendo trying to do with his design lol.
I had the exact same thoughts when it came to the placement of his fur, especially when he had certain style tops on. 😶
I got Moose...who I didn't particularly like and wanted him out as soon as possible. But recently he gifted me several items that I really liked so now I'm rethinking about letting him move haha
I had Colton and I was not really a fan of him. He was okay but I let him move out as soon as he asked.
My first camper was Jacques, funky lil bird. I liked them a lot but after a villager asks to leave more than once I usually let them go. He was neighbors with Nan and I loved seeing them run around together.
My first campsite villager was Murphy and I adore him. He's still on my island.
I only recently got my campsite, and my first campsite villager was Jacques! He's not someone I'll be keeping around forever, but I like him alright. There were a few smug villagers I definitely didn't want to get stuck with, and Jacques wasn't one of them, so I'm fairly happy.
Mine was Graham. He was gone as soon as I could get him out via Amiibo. I think my next “regular” camp visitor was Freya
My very first campsite villager was Pietro. I only liked him for his moon chair. The only clowns I go nuts for are Captain Spaulding and IT.