do you shower everyday

do u shower/take a bath everyday

  • yes

    Votes: 60 50.4%
  • no

    Votes: 59 49.6%

  • Total voters
no, that'd dry my skin real bad. every other than unless i'm really greasy for some reason then i might take an extra shower.
Every other day, but sometimes I'll be in the mood to shower daily.
I was wondering what bad it would do to shower every day? Like, nothing against y'all, I don't really mind. I'm just genuinely curious. o:

I shower and shampoo everyday. I just feel icky not showering once a day, since I walk to and around my university daily and live in a quite temperate country so I sweat a lot. For my hair, idk, I don't like it oily? I know that's the way it's supposed to be I guess but I grew up in a society that showers and shampoos daily so yeah. ; v;
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on weekdays i shower every day. it helps wake me up plus my hair is usually gross after sleeping. on weekends i don't shower unless i need to go out somewhere.
when i don't have somewhere to go during the week i shower every 2-3 days. i can't go longer than 3 days without feeling disgusting.
i shower every other day. i do wash my face every day, but i never really get dirty enough to warrant do a complete wash of my body every day. and if i wash my hair every day it gets dried out and bad :( the only times i take a shower every day are the weeks were im excersizing a lot or in a really hot summer.
I do every day, yes. I tried showering every 2-3 days before because it's supposed to make your hair and skin look good. I stuck with it for almost two years and I never stopped getting oily and gross. All it did was give me adult acne on my face and body from the grease in my hair and everywhere else... and I haven't completely gotten it under control yet. Worst experiment ever.
it's not that simple man, the wash will dry you out so you need some body lotion or body butter etc.

I do use a lotion, because I get dermatitis.

It still doesn't stop me showering every day. ^_^
I shower every day sometimes twice a day I couldn't imagine going an entire day without showering

But I only wash my hair like once or twice a week :lemon:
It depends on the season honestly. I typically wash every 2 or 3 days during fall/winter and every day or every other day for spring and summer. I like to use warm water. :)
I try to shower everyday because I?ll feel too gross otherwise, but I don?t wash my hair everyday. I wash my hair every other day or every 2 days.
I shower once a day Monday through Friday, on the weekends I only shower if I'm going somewhere
I shower everyday, but now yall making me wanna reconsider not doing it lmao. :p

I like to use cold water with slight warmness in it too.
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I try to shower or bathe as often as possible, but that often isn't every day because I've got a lot of mental illness-induced fatigue and executive dysfunction from my Autism.
I usually shower 5 out of the 7 days unless I've been particularly sweaty or something
I shower twice a week, on Sunday and Wednesday, unless I went swimming or something else that required me to shower to become clean again.
I personally won't let myself go to sleep if I haven't showered first. I start to feel gross after not showering for a day so a certain convention a few years ago was the worst in many ways. :D I don't wash my hair every day though, especially if I've dyed it recently.