people dont exactly know what an RPG is, its not limited to a turnbased strategy game... Animal Crossing fits, just think of the name, do you play a role in the game, yes, you play the role of a person who just moved into a town... simple game, simple RPG.
Also pie, you're pretty young and there are a lot of people who are here and at other forums that like AC and are way older than you. So maybe you should stop saying things about a game that you probably don't know much about.
I dont know much about? I play FF1-6 very frequently. Nes and Snes are my fav systems, im not much for the Commadore and atari because the game makers could not truly pack a good game in the systems because they couldnt handle it. yes I am a infrequent D&D player, I also have played RP games inside a game, like in garrys mod there was a server called melonbrew and it was a rp that you didnt lvl up, I would usually own the gunshop. anywho im wandering off from my original topic. yes RP games do not always have to level up, this is completely true. but this fits way way more in the catagory of Simulations. Simulations are more about the lives of people and you help build up their little house. this fits more under the catagory of Simulations, but yes to some extent it is some sort of role playing game.
There is way more to me than you would care to know storm. And yes I know theres older AC players, and thats grand I dont really give a crap. most older people would be girls, because somehow simulation games are big hits among girls but yes some older men play it too. I am not saying the game is for 3 year olds, im saying that they made it so 3 year old would find it appealing and so would older people.
but basics are. Role Playing games have a storyline, a storyline that you follow, animal crossing does not, that is because it is a simulation game and if you take the literal meaning of a role playing game it would be one who plays a roll of someone, wow every game is now a rpg, but it has much more meaning than that, so yes if you are someone who takes everything literally, so if i said hold on, they would grab hold to the ground, if your that type of person than yes this is a rpg, but if your anyone else than no it is not.
I am not saying that the game is only for kids, I am saying that it is not a rpg. its that simlpe
Erm... I was saying you don't know much about AC, not RPGs.
Anyways, "Role Playing games have a storyline, a storyline that you follow", yes AC actually does have a storyline. In simulations you do whatever you want. But in AC there are specific things you can complete. Many people consider beating the game after finishing your debt. There are also some other goals that don't really matter. If it was 100% sim, (it would be borring) there would be like no debt to Nook, Redd, all the other characters, etc...
eh i forgot about those little minigame things, but those are still part of simulation, it could fit into like mini game catagory, but "bumpkin: could you fetch my my toilet paper, i seem to have left it in bimpkin's house" is not a storyline.