Do you think Animal Crossing Switch will be announced at E3?

Do you think it will be mentioned?

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I don’t have a switch and won’t be able to afford one after I get a phone so, I hope not. I also think it just flat out won’t be announced.
Meh, on one hand, I hope so, but at the same time, Animal Crossing is a very popular franchise for Nintendo, so you;d think they'd be dropping some sort of hint before E3.
I really hope it will be, but I'm leaning towards no announcement :-(

I feel like if we get a release before e3 2019 it will be in march, BUT nintendo said e3 2018 is going to focus on 2018 games only.

So while I think there's a chance of animal crossing coming out before next year, I feel like it sadly won't be announced next week.

But god, do I hope and pray that it will be. I need. Animal Crossing.
They say that every year and it's never the case.

Meh, on one hand, I hope so, but at the same time, Animal Crossing is a very popular franchise for Nintendo, so you;d think they'd be dropping some sort of hint before E3.
That's what E3 is for though, to reveal new and upcoming games to create hype. If they dropped hints, what would the point of E3 be?
I know they didn't announce a new one last year, but I wasn't ready for a new AC game back then, so that didn't matter. If they don't announce it this year, I hope they announce it at least next year. By then, I will be ready for a new AC game.
I mean that would be great and all but Nintendo is making so much money off of Pocket Camp that I doubt they'd wanna let go of that. Just saying.
Why isn't there an option for "I don't know"? Because I really don't know. I'm worried that if i'm right i'll be wrong, but if i'm wrong i'll be right.

I don't know, ok.
As much as I'd love for them to, no, I do not see them announcing it this year. They have Pokemon, Smash and Fire Emblem all lined up for release in the final half of this year, plus more 3rd party titles than they have had in more than a decade all breaking down the doors to get their games out on the Switch, and with the way Nintendo is catering to them now, they'd definitely edge something like Animal Crossing out for a Grand Theft Auto V port.

So yeah, 2019 it is for Animal Crossing.

(PS. I hope that I'm wrong)
The only reason I think there is still hope for Animal Crossing Switch at E3 is the marketing strategy and the fact that they want to hit hard this year. However if it is announced it will either be releasing for Christmas time this year or will be used to pad the next fiscal year for Nintendo as this year is already pretty padded. But I do think an E3 hint is in store!
I'm preeetty certain it will be mentioned! One of the two strongest signs for that is the new trademark they filed, that mentioned "software for a home video game machine and portable electronic game machine" . That basically is the definition of the Switch console! They're definitely working on something and I'm convinced they'll at least give a little teaser like they did with Metroid Prime 4 last year.

The other sign is the changes on their website. Remember when the official Animal Crossing website suddenly got a news and video section with tons of placeholders that was then was removed shortly afterwards? I really don't think you accidentally can edit a website, add two new sections, name them, put latin placeholders in there and put the whole thing online. That's a few too many clicks for an accident. They're most definitely working on some upcoming, big announcement. And they wouldn't already prepare a page for an announcement if that announcement was like one year from now.
Since Animal Crossing also has always been revealed at an E3 I'm pretty sure they won't make a Nintendo Direct focused on it. They might do that to reveal more information but to reveal the game itself they'll definitely use the E3.

Many say it won't be mentioned because they said this E3 would focus on 2018 titles. Well, they say that every year! For E3 2017 they stated "video presentation, featuring a closer look at the Super Mario Odyssey game and new details for Nintendo Switch games launching this year" and then proceeded to also give details for games launching the following year or even later. Now, instead of "this year" they wrote "2018" but basically they're saying the same thing again. And they'll most likely also do the same thing again and mention games for later dates. I made some long ass post about all the pros and contras but the two I mentioned now are definitely the biggest signs for me!
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I say yes, but cautiously. I was confident for a long time that animal crossing would be on the wii u as well, so i don't want to get my hopes up. but, i do think it'll have to come to switch eventually.
Well I was wrong about this! :( I’m so dissapointed, but I still have hope for a direct in the near future! And I’ll be cautiously hopefully for next years e3. I just hope that we’ll get AC Switch eventually :(
With the way Nintendo handles announcements now outside of E3, don't go losing hope yet. Remember, Smash Bros. was announced via a Direct. E3 is typically used for expanded information these days and is in no way their main info source. Last year was an outlier because they had to drump up Switch excitement, but ever since they started doing Directs, E3 has become less and less important to them.

Keep the flame alive, but still don't expect a release until mid to late 2019 at the earliest.
With the way Nintendo handles announcements now outside of E3, don't go losing hope yet. Remember, Smash Bros. was announced via a Direct. E3 is typically used for expanded information these days and is in no way their main info source. Last year was an outlier because they had to drump up Switch excitement, but ever since they started doing Directs, E3 has become less and less important to them.

Keep the flame alive, but still don't expect a release until mid to late 2019 at the earliest.

That’s true! I hope you’re right, to think AC might not be announced until next e3 is so sad. Fingers crossed for a direct, but yeah I definitely won’t get my hopes up for a release anytime soon!
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I'm pretty bummed there was no AC switch announcement during E3 especially bc I watched it and I myself am a casual to 'i don't care at all' kinda Smash player so I sat there bored to death for what felt like ages hoping AC would maybe at least get a mention lmao.
But the silver lining is that I don't even have a switch and really only plan getting one once AC is announced so ya girl is saving money in the mean time I guess !! lmao :/
So it was not announced at E3, but there is a large chance of it being announced at next E3, or hopefully sooner!