Do you think past mechanics would make a return?


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2017
New Horizons Token
From what I remember of Wild world, you could find and buy messages in bottles, to send and receive random messages from people?

Do you think other missing mechanics will make a return?
I think some of them might, but only probably popular ones. I don't necessarily think every little thing will come back as there are reasons why they were removed and not brought back in the first place. That being said, the messages in bottles could definitely work over the Internet this time instead of being a Contact mode thing, and it might be kinda cool to get messages and gifts from strangers every once in a while.
I would really like to see certain discontinued features make a return. Though for bottled messages, I don't anticipate they will ever return. I could be wrong of course, but Nintendo tends to be really averse to online communication in their games. Having random messages from strangers online doesn't sound like something they would do. I played Wild World for a short time, and all the messages I received from bottles were really odd. They weren't anything to get upset about, but I was always slightly confused while reading them.
I'm fairly sure constellations will return.... in some capacity whatever that be.
I'd love for constellations, random events like in GC (morning aerobics, watching the lighthouse for Tortimer, etc), asking villagers for jobs, and just less predictability in general. I like some of the control in things in New Leaf, but I miss how unpredictable things were in the older games. Like the villagers reprinting your roof random colors in GameCube. Oh, and villagers being meaner again. I miss how much cranky villagers had to warm up to you before they were friendly.
The one feature I hope to see make a comeback is the journals/diaries. I would like to write a story in-game. But they taken it out since Wild World and never returned it in City Folk or New Leaf.

I also like plotting sign posts like in the GameCube Version. I would like to do that with clocks, streetlights, and benches in the next game, instead of them being part of the project directory.
constellations!!! i never played with constellations and i think that is soooooo cool. also i like how the villagers are but i think more depth to them would be nice, so some meaner villagers might be okay :)
i want the observatory!! the bottle messages would be really cute too...
I'd love for constellations, random events like in GC (morning aerobics, watching the lighthouse for Tortimer, etc), asking villagers for jobs, and just less predictability in general. I like some of the control in things in New Leaf, but I miss how unpredictable things were in the older games. Like the villagers reprinting your roof random colors in GameCube. Oh, and villagers being meaner again. I miss how much cranky villagers had to warm up to you before they were friendly.

*nods* Couldn't agree more with all of that.

I would also really like for the bottled messages to return, though I think MapleSilver (sadly) made a good point as to why it's probably not all that likely. Nintendo doesn't seem to like that sort of thing too much, at least that's the impression I get. They would probably need to find a way to censor messages with bad words in it etc to keep it appropriate for kids. Thinking about it, that actually wouldn't be too hard to do, but... I remain doubtful. I'm not sure if the developers are even aware that we miss this particular feature.
Nonetheless it would be really cool for that to return. I was always very excited to find a message on the shore, especially if I had just visited someone online a day prior!

As for other features I'd want back, hm... One I really liked in Animal Crossing Gamecube were the little treasure hunts, where there would be a message with directions/hints where to search for a specific item or a mystery one on the bulletin board. It would be really cool to implement something like that again. Without the acres it's a little more tricky to do, though, so I'm not counting on this coming back.

I'd also like to be able to ask the villagers for odd jobs again (this goes hand in hand with my hope that they'll include plenty of new little quests).

Another feature from Animal Crossing Gamecube would be the sports fair and the infamous morning aerobics that so many other people want to see make a return as well. I've always liked these very casual "holidays" or events. Instead of having real life holidays where all you get is a cardboard cutout to take screenshots with and an item from Isabelle, I'd like for more casual events where you see the villagers participate (alongside with you being able to participate as well, of course).