BLM is targeting police officers, including the police that don't believe in racial profiling. That's why I don't respect them. But the use of violence is uncivil no matter what. Even Martin Luther King didn't want people getting violent.
correction: BLM isnt targeting police officers, theyre protesting against racist, anti-black police officers. "twist it into making the protestors the problem." this is what i was talking about, folks.
a white r. wing who claims they dont agree with discrimination "BUT" disrespects BLM (a peaceful protesting group, wanting human rights) while thinking he can speak for MLK, (a peaceful protestor leader who is black, and wants human rights) and use him as a tool against BLM, to villify them. when ironically BLM AND MLK's stance is the EXACT SAME thing.
esp. while conveniently leaving out the fact that when MLK was doing his peaceful thing in his time, white media and white people called him violent and aggressive, and he was arrested for speaking out and walking in the streets with a sign, that just sounds so familiar with thats been going on recently with another peaceful protesting group...
so high chance that if you anti-BLM, then you would be anti-MLK's civil rights movement back then.
"First, I must confess that over the last few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the negroes great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can't agree with your methods of direct action;" who paternalistically feels he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advises the negro to wait until a "more convenient season." - MLK
My comments on calm and respectful discourse applied to situations like someone jumping down a person?s throat for saying something along the lines of ?women have periods?. I understand wanting more inclusivity as a trans person, but I still think some people either react to harshly or flat-out look for reasons to start a fight and label someone transphobic (or homophobic, sexist, racist etc. depending on the statement). These situations are pretty rare here, but I do think they contribute to a negative atmosphere. It especially irks me when the people aren?t even part of the group they?re seeking to ?defend? - it comes across very self-important to me
thats true. i see that sort of behavior on tumblr ALOT. i totally understand the context and have seen similar situations happen. i understand both sides. on tbt, im not sure if i see that here often.
the people who call aggressively label others easily have alot of justified, and rightous anger inside them that is normal for someone who experiences the treatment of an member of any majorly oppressed group. they get hurt by what may seem to be a small insensitive comment, when theyve heard the heavier, more aggressive version of it, and associate that small insensitive comment with that. they dont have the emotional energy to accept grey, so they turn to black and white as a coping mechanism to keep themselves safe.
microaggression is also a thing as well, i beleive its more common than blatant bigotry/hatred. because with racism/homohobic/sexist microaggression, they can easily get away with it and insult while being under radar, and be able to backtrack and hide behind a "i wasnt serious!" or "it wasnt THAT deep." or "i was just joking." or they use it to hide under radar, because if mods look, its much easier to spot a bad person when theyre always saying "all jews should ___, and i think they dont deserve human rights." and then they get a warning. maybe. but they certainly let everyone know what type of person they are. rather than ppl who is like "i never beleived in the holocaust or discrimination against jews, but *says something that completley contradicts their claim*" to keep the "i dont ____ BUT im still a good person" farce.
of course, there are some people who are straight up blunt on brewster, name calling, and cursing, and very obvious trolling, i guess those are the "joksters" who dont even take anything seriously. and then there are people toss out thread + flame bait for example "what do you think about trans human rights", when OP is someone who is not trans, and anti-trans human rights. thats microaggression.
but i have a feeling majority of brewster is more on "give two cents, then sit back and watch the show with popcorn and then complain about the political drama on another thread after that one gets locked. maybe even make a signature out of it and put blame everyone because its easy." idk at this point, im just generalizing. i dont keep track of everyone and how they feel on brewster XD
but i think most people are moving on from all this controversial stuff now, since its becoming a trend to complain about the political threads. some people want to keep bringing trump/politicans threads back to keep up the negative atmosphere and the drama, but alot of it is starting to get locked now.