Do you think TTing is cheating?

TT is cheating. Just because it's easy to do doesn't mean it's not cheating. I have a friend who isn't aloud to play on weekdays so has to TT for some events. Although in my eyes this is still cheating, I'm still friends with him and I don't think badly of him for doing so, I'd just rather not do it.

TT 5 years into the future though, is a bad idea. It screws your game up in the sense that everyone in-game treats you like it's 5 years later and all the weeds. Just play the game the way it was made, the TT is meant for if you move or Daylight Savings Time, not for giving you the option of ruining the Animal Crossing experience.
Galen said:
TT is cheating. Just because it's easy to do doesn't mean it's not cheating. I have a friend who isn't aloud to play on weekdays so has to TT for some events. Although in my eyes this is still cheating, I'm still friends with him and I don't think badly of him for doing so, I'd just rather not do it.

TT 5 years into the future though, is a bad idea. It screws your game up in the sense that everyone in-game treats you like it's 5 years later and all the weeds. Just play the game the way it was made, the TT is meant for if you move or Daylight Savings Time, not for giving you the option of ruining the Animal Crossing experience.
And this is why I don't like you, I respect your opinion *cough* but don't like you, it's pointless to say that about your friend, why wouldn't you like him because of the way he plays a game? o.0

And I never heard Nintendo say it was cheating or say it was for daylight savings time so proof or leave. :b

It doesn't ruin the experience, it makes the game funner and faster.

And I agree with Megamannt, it's just playing a game so deal witk it. o:<
I agree with mirandi if ur missin an important event then it's useful to TT so that you'll get the same benefits as everyone else.
you guys dont understand the option isn't called "time Travel" its called Fix date/time.
on the b-board it will say somthing about changeing an hour back.
It isn't, but it makes the game less fun. I mean, if you time travel to like christmas, thats not good. There is a reason it is only once a year.
They made it because if you moved somewhere, (for example japan and you lived in america) there would be a time difference. (Maybe date depending on the time)
Well what if you guys who think of it as cheating look at it this way. It's impossible for a lot of people to play every day. I work forty hours a week and go to school. I only get to play one or two days a week sometimes an hour before I go to sleep if I am really lucky. So I time travel the hell out of my game with my sister just so I can get the most out of it during the little time I get to play.

That and not TT makes the game so boring for me.
mirandi said:
I see it has both, if you time travel to just get fish, bugs, gifts then I say yes. But occasionally people will time travel to something they are going to miss or to make their trees go if building an orchard. So I say yes and no. It all just depends on what you are time traveling for.
i totally agree with you
dragonflamez said:
No, because doing it doesn't let you win anything. Sheesh.
exactly :D

and who the *censored.3.0* cares about the economy? coughtyeforcecough
I don't think it's cheating because it was built into the game. Many people time travel and I don't think it's cheating.
I myself time travel.