Do you think we start with one jock and one uchi villager?

Well, if we do start with an Uchi and Jock villager then I can only hope that I start Bill as my Jock villager (I love Bill!), along with Canberra or Ren?e! I'd even consider resetting for Bill if it weren't for the huge amount of Jock villagers :)
I also read an article where their starting villagers were Biff and Mira... interesting! I guess it kinda makes sense, since jock and uchi villagers definitely seem like the type to jump at the chance to go on an exciting adventure like this ^u^
Thank you for pointing this out! I didn't know that. This further proves the point...
Uchi and Jock seem like reasonable default personalities to me. It makes sense for that one question to determine the personalities, but I highly doubt that every single reviewer (and "island builders" for the New Horizons direct) would pick the same item. I don't like the Jock personality myself, so a choice would be preferred. :confused:
That's really strange, I'm led to believe it's probably just a coincidence? It doesn't seem like there's any logic behind it, I don't know why'd they do that if it's true.
I don't think so but I also don't have an aversion to any of the personalities so I would be fine in the event of a jock/uchi starter.
I was skeptical of this at first, but all resources we've seen point to this likely being true. So basically as long as my Uchi is Phoebe, Pashmina or Sylvia, I'm good to go lol.
Even if it's logical that jocks and uchi villagers would be more likely to be the first villagers on the island....I don't think that makes it a good decision game wise.

Especially when there aren't that many uchi villagers to begin with.

To be fair this probably does benefit me somewhat since I really like Canberra (and if uchi is the least populated personality type my chances of getting her go up) but it still kinda rubs me the wrong way that we're locked into two specific personality types as our starters.

I think if there were more than two personalities that could be our starters (like say Snooty and Smug villagers are the only ones locked until later) it wouldn't be as weird since there would be more variety.
Even if it's logical that jocks and uchi villagers would be more likely to be the first villagers on the island....I don't think that makes it a good decision game wise.

Especially when there aren't that many uchi villagers to begin with.

To be fair this probably does benefit me somewhat since I really like Canberra (and if uchi is the least populated personality type my chances of getting her go up) but it still kinda rubs me the wrong way that we're locked into two specific personality types as our starters.

I think if there were more than two personalities that could be our starters (like say Snooty and Smug villagers are the only ones locked until later) it wouldn't be as weird since there would be more variety.

Well, we've already seen some new villagers and its very likely a few of those are Uchi villagers. That new horse villager and wolf villager are very good contenders to perhaps be Uchi villagers.
Guys this isn't a coincidence and is actually true according to loulou-crossing on youtube. She has connections with someone who works at Nintendo and was right about everything so far. She said that you will always start with a jock and uchi.
I feel this is too many times to be just a coincidence, or else Nintendo has some weird unknown reason for only allowing promo-period material to show just those two types.

I have two Uchi's on my wishlist though so it's not the end of the world for me, haha. But I don't like very many of the jocks so I will likely be netting mine in the head until he leaves!
I hope it will be random, but if we do start with those two personalities, then that's fine with me. Really, I just want to pick up the game and start playing. Also, it's really exciting to see who will arrive with you on the island, so if it is a random jock and uchi villager, then that's pretty cool. :blush:
Jocks are my least favourite and Uchi is my favourite, so I have mixed feelings about this.. I could live with Jay or Bam, but most of the jocks just have awful character designs IMO... On the other hand, I love a lot of the Uchi villagers! Still, I'm hoping/expecting we can move out starters too...
I was thinking about this before the Direct launched and I do think it would kind of make sense to start with Uchi/Jock/Normal personality animals. It could just be a coincidence that only Uchi/Jock islanders were shown, but I also can't necessarily see Snooty or Smug villagers wanting to rough it out in a tent on an island with not many amenities right at the start... just a thought!

I like this theory! Makes sense if it's true that we start out with uchi/jock. I don't really mind (or care tbh) either way, but I think this theory fits really nicely with any reasoning.
Hmmm, I definitely think it might be more than coincidence, but I hope not! I adore Antonio, but there aren?t any other jocks or uchi villagers I really want as villagers on my island. :/
I hope not since I dislike most of the jocks but...I want to play this game so badly that I doubt I'll reset for the first two villagers no matter who they are.
A jock wouldn't be my favorite starter villager, but as long as I can get one good one (probably an uchi) that I'll keep in my town for a while I'm fine with it. If anything it just makes it easier to reset for villagers because our options are limited.
I'd be okay with it. Uchis are usually up late and so am I.