Do you think we will see more crops?


Islander Lyric of Lily Cove
Jan 2, 2014
Tasty Cake
Orange (Fruit)
Small Mailbox
I am going to be really sad if the only thing we can grow is pumpkins. I would love to see different crops. Adding pumpkins has been my favorite update we have gotten so far. I have wanted to grow things in animal crossing since city folk. Do you think they will add different things to grow?
i'm hoping they will ♡
growing pumpkins was such a cute feature but doesn't fit with other seasons
I hope so! And then be able to use it in recipes that can get you friendship points or special diy/items
I feel like if they were intending to add more things to grow, they would have been included with the fall update. I don't know, it just doesn't seem to fit the direction they're taking with the game that well.

Either way I'd be very indifferent. Creating a farm would be neat for a few hours, but watering and picking vegetables to hoard is just... not something that gets me excited.
I think it'd be nice if they did add a few more crops just to add some variety, but also my pumpkin patch now sits ignored so I'm not massively bothered either way. it'd be nice aesthetically speaking though!
Datamine uncovered that we'll get pumpkin, tomato, potato, carrot, wheat and sugar. Pumpkin is the first one so far. When the others will arrive, we don't know.
I honestly think we we were supposed to see the datamined crops for Thanksgiving, but something went wrong. Either that, or maybe the fact that people leaked it made Nintendo intentionally delay it so they could make it a surprise when it shows up later. Either way...yeah, I don't think that stuff is in there for no reason. That would be kinda strange. So, I would expect all of the leaked content to eventually be added (and they should add the missing New Leaf fruits while they're at it). I don't think people will be happy until we have lychee, grapes, lemon, mango, persimmon, banana, and durian back (as well as "perfect" fruits).

As far as updates go...those fruit trees should be some of the easiest things to patch in. It's kind of strange that it hasn't been done already. I mean...I don't know a whole lot about game development, but, it seems to me that you're talking about replacing one image file with another, replacing some name values, etc. The fact that we've seen rare items hacked onto trees should signify how straightforward that process should be. It's not as if the different fruits "do" anything different from one another. They are literally just one value replacing another for the appearance of a different fruit.
I really hope we have new crops added in sooner. Maybe Nintendo intentionally hold back but I was kinda expecting to see these released for the turkey day event. It would add a new element of surprise and a nice twist to the holiday that a lot of people are already familiarized with from playing NL. Seemed like a missed opportunity there really. If the files are already in game, then what are they waiting for really? Turkey day of next year? But by then a lot of players probably already lost interest on the game. I can’t think of a holiday in Jan or Feb that is specifically linked to crops but one can only hope I guess...
It would be nice to get more crops and more fruit trees but not sure if we will. I think if we do get more it would be in the spring maybe April or May.
I would be very sad if we wouldn't get more crops and while we are it i would like for our crops to be usable to have a real purpose or utility.
There could be tons of reason why the vegetables fo the data mine are not out yet, maybe they realized that we dont have that much space to be honest and they are working on a second like tourtumier island of sorts where we could go to shop etc and maybe there we might get like a garden or green house to be able to have all this vegetables. Is this to much wishful-thinking thinking?. Dunno i am having tons of expectations and hopes for the second year of the game for some reason 🤞
I'd like to see more crops so you could plant them in a more seasonal way like little grape vines, other veggies, and stuff that's not specifically fall. With the snow on the ground now all my pumpkins look out of place so I dug most of them up.
I actually think the developers planned to add more crops with the Thanksgiving update (according to the datemine) but they must have run out of time to finalize things and scrapped it at the last minute, since crop words since got deleted from the game's code. I think they will likely reappear at a later date (perhaps during next year's fall update) since pumpkins were such a big hit. Plus it seems that the developers somewhat listen to fans' requests, such as when they added in the new POC centered hairstyles last month. I think they know farming will be a huge deal to fans, so maybe they are talking their time with planning out how and when to release it.
I certainly hope so. I would love to harvest more crops but as others have said, pumpkins don't really fit with every theme all the time. I would love to be able to have a veggie garden 😍
I hope for lots more! I want to turn the second layer of my island into a farming area. That way I can somewhat merge two of my favorite series, Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons and AC.
I hope we see some more crops, though, I hope they don't become a main focus for the game, there's lots of other things which need adding or sorting, but it'd be very cute to see a AC spin on cooking and stuff, like in other games like Stardew or Harvest Moon, though I don't think it'll be like a minigame or anything. I think if we do get cooking in as an option, it'd be good to use the cooking furniture both indoors and outdoors, and get recipes similar to the DIYs now :)
I kind of think they will. I'm wondering if they decided to do some after the holidays, because Turkey day and Toy day were such big events. Gotta save some of the fun for future updates.
I would love to see other crops one day, the pumpkins were already a nice addition to the game imo. Perhaps something like watermelons for the summer time or just other veggies.
I hope so! I really love having the pumpkins and I thought it was such a fun addition. It made my town feel all nice and autumn-ey being able to plant little patches around town.

I would also love to see Leif start selling more bushes! I'd love to have harvestable (or even non-harvestable!) blueberry & raspberry bushes for example. I think that would be really neat!
I hope so, too. I made a whole area that was ready for a farm and stuff, but then I reeled it back once I realized it would just be pumpkins.