Do You Think We'll Continue To Be The Mayor In Future Games?

The 'mayor' features was the thing to make NL so different than the other games, and it's what set a new standard for the series. They even said in one interview that it made for a great reason to include PWP's, as well as different features (like changing shops closing times and such). As a 'mayor' you are given the power to change those stuff -- so it makes for a reasonable reason within the game as to why you would be able to do that in the first place.
Honestly, I hope so. Being the mayor added so much and it all feels completely natural for Animal Crossing. It'd be strange to take all that interactivity away for future installments. Personally, moving forward, I actually would like to see even more customization options for your town. For example, I would like to see landscaping options. I've seen people make little streams using Able Sisters patterns. It'd be fun to actually be able to create those streams and rivers in the game. :)
I think the office of mayor is the most fitting for a game in which you only have control in a single town. That being said, I think it would be awesome if they made it so you could have multiple towns in one game, whether that meant you have multiple mayors for the different towns (like many of us do with multiple game cartridges/downloads) or if the towns were connected and you had one president or world leader that could travel and manipulate all the towns. Personally, I would like to be the president of multiple towns and be able to visit any whenever I wanted.
I hope that we can be the mayor in future games. I really liked that aspect of New Leaf, though, I bet Nintendo will find a new gimmick for the series - hopefully something as good if not better!
I would like to continue to be the mayor in future Animal Crossing games, or if not actually called by that title, I would still like to retain the powers of placing PWPs and determining ordinances.

Removing town customization seems like a relatively unlikely choice for Nintendo going forward, as it would not in fact be "forward" at all - it would be a serious step back.

So, whether I will still be called the "mayor" or not, I would like future games to continue to give us those mayoral abilities.
I sincerely hope so. I really love Animal Crossing New Leaf and a big part of that is the freedom and creativity that comes with being mayor. I love being able to put PWP's in my town. I really hope it is in the next game, I just hope it is implemented better. I love the PWP's but I absolutely loathe the space requirements. And the fact that I can't turn the PWP's. Also I don't want there to be a limit on the amount of PWP's I can have, haha. Fix those and I will be super pleased. :D
I also think so and agree with your reasons. I also think it would be an easy for the creators to add new features the game without changing it too much. I'm surprised they haven't had an inbetween one based on being mayor instead of the stupid happy home designer thingy.
I think we'll continue to be mayor but of a bigger town, probably more like a city? I hope we gain more abilities as mayor in future games though and be able to plan out housing positions and stuff :)
While I haven't played any previous games, I am really loving this one! I think it's fun to be the mayor and do all the projects :)
I wouldn?t mind being the member in future games. I?m content with the freedom of being able to design the inside of our houses. It was really fun for me to design rooms. I love how we can create patterns, too. I am content with little features like that, so I wouldn?t be upset if we weren?t a mayor anymore. I believe Nintendo will come up with more features for the next release!
I don?t think we will be a ?mayor? but we might be some other type of leader. like in pocket camp we aren?t a mayor but still have control over what happens
I think it would be cool if we got to choose. I'm okay with being mayor, but I don't really act like a mayor in my game, lol. Too much work, I think, haha.
To be honest, I don't care if I'm the mayor again or not, I wouldn't mind if a NPC (Isabelle?)
becomes the mayor of the town and I'm just a "normal" villager, like in the other AC games
before New Leaf.

It would be interesting if you could choose in the next game what do you want to be: A villager,
the mayor or an employee of Nook's Homes, based on Happy Home Designer. I guess I would be
then an employee of Nook's Homes, as designing homes for the villagers and buildings makes me
more fun then being the mayor.