Do you think we'll ever get new tree or plant types?

I would love if you could have trees locked to a season, so like you could have a sakura tree or an orange fall tree when ever you wanted - Bassically they could add a magic fertilizer that you'd need to keep using on the tree or something. I guess though this takes away the joy of a new season in game.
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After all these years we're still stuck with pine, fruit, and regular.
I doubt they’d add new trees to the staple trio, but I could see them adding more flower varieties or other greenery in future seasonal updates. I’d love to have lily pads in my ponds and in rivers near waterfalls. 🥰
I think you forget that NL added bamboo trees, which is not part of the staple trio. I mean NH barely added anything new either but part of me is hoping they will add those willow trees from PC

I guess this answers my question which is no one can really know...honestly this is why I don't like surprise updates, I wish they'd at least give us hints or something lol
No more trees, probably, but they’ve added more shrubs before, so I can’t see why they wouldn’t again. More flowers is a possibility also.

Bamboo is also not a tree so I wouldn’t really stake your hopes on new trees based on bamboo.
No more trees, probably, but they’ve added more shrubs before, so I can’t see why they wouldn’t again. More flowers is a possibility also.

Bamboo is also not a tree so I wouldn’t really stake your hopes on new trees based on bamboo.
I'm not sure what you mean. They are trees in real life and they seem to be classed as trees in the game. They are even called "bamboo tree" in the game when they're in your pockets.
Also, my 'hopes' are based on what I said in my original post, not bamboo.
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I think you forget that NL added bamboo trees, which is not part of the staple trio. I mean NH barely added anything new either but part of me is hoping they will add those willow trees from PC
I did forget the bamboo trees, thank you. 😅 Willow trees would be beautiful. Imagine those in NH during the cherry blossom season!
I did forget the bamboo trees, thank you. 😅 Willow trees would be beautiful. Imagine those in NH during the cherry blossom season!
I forgot about the palm trees too haha. I don't think we can rule out the possibility but I'm not counting on any new trees either I suppose! Just wish we could use the ones from the museum on our island...
I don't know about trees, but we did get pumpkins so there's always a chance they could bring back the other fruit trees or add to the vegetables/fruits with like watermelons for summer or something.
I hope so! I really want berry bushes and would welcome more fruit trees. I have an open mind for more flowers.
Would really like sunflowers but unsure if they will do that. That is a really tall flower...

Side question would a pineapple be considered a shrub a tree or a crop in the animal crossing world?? lol.
I hope so! I really want berry bushes and would welcome more fruit trees. I have an open mind for more flowers.
Would really like sunflowers but unsure if they will do that. That is a really tall flower...

Side question would a pineapple be considered a shrub a tree or a crop in the animal crossing world?? lol.
As they grow low to the ground, I would say bush/shrub. It's crazy how much work goes into growing them as you can only get one per plant.
I wish, but I don't think so. I think its more likely that we would get more potted plants (furniture items) than new species of trees and flowers.
I'm not sure what you mean. They are trees in real life and they seem to be classed as trees in the game. They are even called "bamboo tree" in the game when they're in your pockets.
Also, my 'hopes' are based on what I said in my original post, not bamboo.
Nope, bamboo is a grass. But yeah most people think they are trees.
Nope, bamboo is a grass. But yeah most people think they are trees.
That's cool, you learn something new everyday.

Either way, in AC they have the same growth mechanics as a tree and are classified as trees in NL and NH, so I think they can be said to be new trees in AC.
I’d LOVE new flora so much!
I hope firstly, they’ll add the missing ones back, like violets and carnations and the missing fruit trees. I want banana trees on my beach!
And then I’d love to have new colors of flowers and maybe even new kinds. And new trees. Wouldn’t it be neat if like, Leif would move into nooks with his own little section like in NL? He could sell potted flowers as well additionally to the new shrubs he could sell.
I doubt it would ever happen but I’d be so happy~
Honestly I don't think they're going to make any new plants whatsoever, I'd love to but it's the sort of thing they don't seem to really want to do; one of the things I was hoping before New Horizons was even announced was for us to be able to choose like a "climate" of sorts or like a terrain type, so we could have either a more grassy town or a desert or, you know, more options like that, but that sort of stuff seems to be too much outside the realm of Animal Crossing, though I hope I'm wrong, cause I would really love to be able to have more plant diversity without having to use potted plants, which just don't really have the same feel to them
I just hope for a comeback of lemons (= lemon trees) and dead trees, kinda hoped that the latter would come back with the Halloween update last year, too bad it was not the case. I'm not sure if they ever gonna add completely new kinds of trees, but I do think there is a chance for new (or the return of old) flowers.
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