Do you watch horror movies/play horror games/etc with the lights on or off?


Dec 21, 2015
Tasty Cake
White Pansy
White Pansy
White Pansy
Tasty Cake
June Birthstone (Pearl)
Red Cosmos
Red Cosmos
White Cosmos
I recently bought a horror game and I'm gonna play it soon. I'd often have the lights on for something like this because the dark makes me SOOO paranoid, but the light bulb in my bedroom burnt out and I haven't gone to the store yet to pick up a new one, so I might be forced to play in the dark unless I decide not to play it at all. Which got me to thinking... do you prefer to have the lights off to make the game more immersive, or play with the lights on to give yourself a little more distance and a sense of security? Or do you play with the lights on just because you prefer to see, without regards to "mood"?
Off. So if a monster comes and try to kill me, atleast I know that I didn't spend my last minutes alone.
Horror movies I prefer to watch in the dark for mood setting. Horror games I do not play because I don't trust myself. But I could watch my man play them in the dark but he always needs the lights on and closet SEALED
I don't play Horrorgames because mainly the ones for console are usually way too expensive
and I only really play games that are kinda like "Legend of Zelda", aka that I can play for
a looooong time and my Laptop is sadly too bad to let me play any games without crashing :')

Anyways, I do watch Horrogame Let's Plays instead and them I usually watch in the dark,
same with Horrormovies.. it just fits better and makes everything way more scary. :3
Off. Even though I know I'm gonna **** my pants but still.
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Off! It's the only way to play.;)
I don't watch horror movies or play horror games period. Just not for me.
Well, for horror games, I just can't keep the lights off. I tend to get a bit too focused on the game, and forget about my surroundings. When I'm too focused and I get shocked by something, I will literally get a heart attack. You can see why that's kind of a problem.

For horror movies, I can watch them with lights off. I always do.
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For both, lights off. Gotta set the mood ya know? ;)

Plus sometimes I'll turn the lights off if I have a headache but I just really want to play videogames atm.
I don't like standard horror stuff because adrenaline rushes and being grossed out do nothing for me, they're not enjoyable experiences to me. I still play and watch certain horror things, but their experience isn't changed by the lighting in my room. The last game that freaked me out was The Painscreek Killings and no amount of light (or people around) would have changed my experience with it.
I remember playing Silent Hill 3, Eternal Darkness, RE2 with the lights off as a kid. It helps bring the atmosphere to life.
The lights are always off when Im watching/playing a horror movie/game. Im all about atmospheric horror. I lose that effect if the lights are on.

On that same note, horror = <3
I don't watch horror movies or play horror games period. Just not for me.

Same here. Horror is a genre I?m not particularly fond of. Pretty much anything horror related doesn?t scare me at all and does nothing for me, which is why I?m not interested in it.

Kind of ironic considering I have a dark sense of humor.
I prefer watching horror movies in complete darkness only if I'm watching with someone else. I don't do horror games lol. I tried playing TWD and I couldn't sleep for a while yet I'm fine with watching the show.
On. Way on. Horror games/movies are among my least favorite unfortunately, but when I'm forced to experience them: ON. Most recent occurrence was when I was dared to play Outlast & Outlast: Whistleblower. I refused to play it at night lol! I'm too much of a baby.
I watch horror movies with the lights off. Not because it makes them more scary, just more to try to capture the theater experience. I don't get scared by horror movies. I never have, really. One of the first movies I remember watching around 3 years old was the original Child's Play. I learned very early on that these things are just fictional and that there's nothing to be scared of with them. I love horror movies, but I'm more interested in the stories, social commentary, unique atmosphere, music, and, more commonly in the older movies, what people could create with practical special effects.

As for horror games, they've never really done anything for me since horror stuff doesn't scare me. I tend to play those with the lights off too anyhow.
No, considering I do not watch horror movies. Not my cup of tea. Even if I did enjoy them, watching a tv/computer in the dark hurts my eyes.